Lei Kang is the name of the youngster that kept bugging me for my cultivation experiences. He told me that he belonged to something called the 'O Cult'. I asked him what that is, and based on my understanding it seems to be a farming association.
I'm surprised that I've never heard of this 'O Cult', but it seems to be a good place since it has young members like Lei Kang. The association is based in the city, so I guess that sort of actually explains why I've never heard of it.
I usually only go to the city to sell my crops, buy seeds, and then head back home. It's kind of weird that they'd call themselves a weird name like 'O Cult', but if I chalk it up to having the city's sensibilities and the fact that it can attract young people, then all's well.
...To be frank, I don't really care why they're called that. It's not like they have anything to do with me. I'm just an old farmer in his lonely house, there's no need to think about complicated things that are beyond me.
After eating the food I've given him, Lei Kang thanked me before heading out. He told me he had important matters to attend to back in the association, so he left. I cleaned up after him, and started preparing for my dinner.
What I've gave him was what I made for my own dinner after all. After working on my dinner, the sun already set, so I simply ate it and then went to bed. After waking up, I made myself a simple breakfast and then went out for my usual walk around the village.
As soon as I opened the door, I noticed Lei Kang outside of my house standing.
"Didn't you leave yesterday?"
Lei Kang laughed in response, "Senior, you're being too cold. Just because I left, does it mean that I can't come back?"
I walked past Lei Kang but he hurriedly followed behind me, "Where are you going senior?"
After taking a couple of steps, "Senior, did you sleep well yesterday?"
"I slept okay."
"Senior, the weather today is great, isn't it?"
I took a look at the sky, and it was slightly cloudy.
"What are you talking about? Are you blind? The clouds are slightly dark, it means it might rain today. We'll have to work quickly so as not to get drenched."
It's not like I have the energy I had when I was his age, where I can work in both rain and snow. My old bones would usually just barely be able to work, but these days I've been feeling pretty weak.
Lei Kang was pretty stubborn, as he talked about anything and everything. He kept asking for my opinion regarding the plantation of corn in the summer up to the current prices of carrots in the city.
This brat would make an excellent pairing with Granny Luo, who's the tailor in our village. Both of them like to gossip, and their mouths don't get tired at all. I should introduce them to each other later.
Coming back to my house, I turned around and told Lei Kang, "I'm going to start working on the field, so you should go back home for now. I have no idea why you even came here this early in the morning."
The brat, Lei Kang, smiled bashfully and said, "Of course I came to help you, senior!"
"I don't need your help!"
And in response to my shout, the sound of thunder echoed. It seems that it'll start raining now.
Should I laugh or cry now? Just as I rejected his offer, it started raining. Usually I'd just feed my stock and relax at home. Maybe head out to the village hall, and meet up with the other elders to chat and eat together.
Looking at how Lei Kang was smiling, it's pretty obvious that he won't leave even if I told him to bugger off right in his face. He was that shameless. I guess it's time for this old man to give him a 'test'.
"If you really want to try and help me out…"
I went inside the house really quickly, grabbed my winter working clothes—which were made by Granny Luo—that had excellent waterproofing with hood to protect you from the rain and came out again to a flustered Lei Kang. I tossed what was in my hand and continued, "...Then change into these clothes and plow the fields. This is an excellent opportunity given by the gods, you'd turn the soil and have it soak in water. That way it'll cure the soil after the harvest. And if you do a good job, I don't mind treating you to lunch."
With that, I pointed at the field that was behind my house and paid him no mind. I changed into winter clothes as well and went to feed my stock. I fed the cows, oxens and chickens. By the time I was done, it was pouring very heavily.
I returned back home and opened the backdoor to take a look to see if he's still working. To my surprise, he was indeed working very hard. Plowing the fields didn't really need a lot of intricate techniques, and you can probably do everything with brute force.
Seeing that he's from a farming association, I was a bit disappointed. Because all he did was exactly that, brute force his way through. However, since it was only turning the soil, it didn't really pain my heart that much. It was a passable work, but seeing how sloppy he was in both pulling weeds and plowing the field, he still has a long way ahead.
Despite his loud mouth, he was still working very hard in the rain. If only he kept his mouth silent, he'd be more likable.
"I guess I'll have to make lunch for two."
When I was done with making the stew we're going to have for lunch, I went out to call for him. Surprisingly, he plowed through half an acre in three hours. I guess this is what a youth's vigor is all about.
He came in from the backdoor and as soon as he smelt the food that I prepared on the table, his stomach rumbled. It seems that Lei Kang's stomach is the only part that's honest, as he smiled embarrassingly and said, "Did I do a good job senior?"
"You're fishing for compliments from me? You did a horrible job. I've heated a barrel of water in the bathroom, so go wash up and then come eat."
While he's washing up, I'll go pay a visit to Granny Luo and see if she has an extra piece of clothing that she hadn't sold yet for Lei Kang.