Lost in Paradise

Chu Fan made his way to the portal array and he was enveloped in light. He appeared in the metropolis below and it was even more populated than when he first arrived at the sect.

He was excited as he had 20,000 silver coins he could spend on ingredients and anything else he wanted after that. The coin system in this world was a simple one; 1000 bronze coins was equal to 1 silver coin and 1000 silver coins would become 1 gold coin. There were also other forms of currency but that differed between nations and preferred currencies.

Walking down the streets a cheerful little fat kid sang a familiar tune from his past life.

"Rushing waves, flowing waves. Thousand miles of the torrential river flows; ceaselessly forever. Washed away the worldly affairs. Torrential mixing of the tidal currents. Is it happiness? Is it sorrow?" he sang as others looked at him in awe.

"What would an eight year old know of heartbreak?" asked many commoners.

"Ah, this generation of youths are bound to a life of hopeless tragedy." said a bearded elder as he shook his head.

He made his way to the hunter's guild and farmer's guild to renew some contracts that the sect had with them. After some debating and haggling, Chu Fan was able to get great deals from the guilds. Altogether he spent 14,000 silver coins renewing the contracts at a smaller prices. The guilds would provide less but Chu Fan had expected that to occur.

Having only 6 gold coins to spend, Chu Fan was elated. He had expected himself to only have 3 gold coins; so receiving this much mage him happy.

He made his way to the market and viewed the many things they had there. Before he had arrived to the city, he had seen children playing Dokimon trading cards and he had become interested in it.

Just as he had approached the merchant selling Dokimon cards he saw a group of "disguised" sect disciples enter an alley. The reason they were "disguised" is because they only had masks on, everything else they wore were clothes from the sect. And yet the public seemed to have never noticed the group enter the alley.

Chu Fan chose to follow the group into the alley and eavesdrop on the group.

"Young Miss, we can't be bringing you here. If the sect chief finds out we'll be exiled." one of the masked persons stated.

"It's fine, I'll just tell him we were tailing a suspicious person. He'll buy it." shushed the smallest of the group.

Chu Fan knew that this girl was none other than Hun Lian; she was too extravagantly dressed for such an occasion like this.

"Alright then, let's make our way in. Remember, there's no way of telling what is and isn't authentic in there, so spend your money sparingly." the tallest of the group stated.

They were going into the black market. This group was composed of the Hun Lian, and the two direct disciples of the sect chief: Xin Hai and Zhu Zhong. Xin Hai most likely planned to rid himself of Zhu Zhong here only to have his plans fall apart due to Hun Lian's apparent crush on Zhu Zhong.

Xin Hai then made hand seals and pointed at what seemed to be a wall with his index and middle finger.

A pathway opened up and light gushed out, the voices of people could be heard for a brief moment until the pathway closed again. The group had hastily entered into the portal.

Chu Fan then ran over to the area where the group had disappeared into. He prodded the wall and knocked on it to see if it was hollow or not. Seeing as it needed a password to open it, he tried to imitate Xin Hai's earlier hand seals.

He tried for a couple of minutes before giving up. He thought for a couple of seconds before smacking his belly.

"Right, if there are hand seals, there must be a verbal password." he thought to himself.

He then began to recite many random things hoping to trigger some kind of reaction.

"Open sesame, 12345, Password, I accept the ris-" he whispered to the wall like a lunatic until it opened.

And out came two other disguised sect disciples.

"Eh, this little brother. Are you lost?" asked one of the two disciples.

"This little brother begs you to remind him of the password. I had plans to meet with a friend but I woke up late; and even forgot my mask and the password I stayed up all night trying to remember." he said while mustering up any loose tears he might have.

Looking at the small fat child that was about to cause a commotion, the two disciples knew that they had to concede and allow the child to step in. At most he'd get tossed out for not following the rules.

"Alright, let your big brother remind you" one of them said as they handed over a wooden mask.

They formed hand seals slowly and Chu Fan repeated after them. The path opened up and Chu Fan bade them farewell.

As he made his way into the black market he found himself dazed by this space. The alley was a portal to this untraceable location where many of the people present wore masks. Those that didn't have masks had remarkable backing and strength as they were unafraid of people knowing their identities.

He wondered around a bit, looking for traces of Xin Hai and the others, frantically trying to arrive before much harm could be done.

He would be aroused by many individuals showcasing their discounted: thunder beads, elixirs, weapons, etcetera. Before Chu Fan knew it he was tired of the many treasures that the black market sold.

He headed to an area of the black market with a small amount of people; this area was where the high spenders shopped. The goods here could only be afforded by the upper-class society of Stardrop City and wealthy tourists.

He made his through the black market until he spotted a lonely figure in an alleyway. It was a cloaked beggar, he looked to be a wise sage.

"Young one, could you spare me a gold coin, for I am very hungry and in need of shelter from the cold." asked the beggar.

Chu Fan took a deep breath before reaching into his pockets and handed the old beggar two gold coins.

"This gold coin is for you to find shelter and food. This other one here is for your leisurely use. What you do with the money is your decision. The outcome of your decision is up to your karma." said Chu Fan.

These words seemed to give the beggar an epiphany and he began to cry. In his life he had been labelled a genius in many areas. But he was prone to spend lavishly and take those who cared about him for granted. And before he knew it he was a decrepit old man that nobody cared for anymore. He had spent up all his wealth and was near his end, he had sown all of the karmic debt from his past life and was about to enter samsara until he met this little fat kid.

He had resolved himself to spend the last of his days with those that had cared about him in the past. He would make up with them one by one; no matter how long it took. Especially his first love that he betrayed, a girl whose beautiful dark hair had turned snow white overnight.

Crying on his knees, he looked at Chu Fan and said, "I know not of your wisdom. But you have enlightened me today. I have with me my life's most treasured object: an obsidian tablet.

Chu Fan received the obsidian tablet with both his hands and ultimately held it with his right hand.

As he observed the table for a little while he noticed that it had many complex engravings and images on it. As he turned his head in the direction of the beggar; he noticed that the beggar had disappeared.

In the next moment, the tablet itself turned into a liquid which bore into Chu Fan's right hand.

"Ah! What the fu** kind of tablet is this?" He muttered before passing out.

When he woke up in the alley, he noticed his right hand was not injured. As a matter of fact it was felt heavier and stronger than before. It appeared normal except for a black rune that faded away instantly as soon as Chu Fan noticed it.

He brushed himself off as he considered it to be an encounter with a lost soul of this black market.

He wandered aimlessly until he heard the muffled scream of a girl come from an alley. He peaked around a corner and it was a girl he was too familiar with, Hun Lian.

It seems that in her journey with Zhu Zhong and Xin Hai, she had gotten lost and entangled in Xin Hai's grand scheme.

Xin Hai's plan initially was to have these two men kill Zhu Zhong in an "attempted robbery." But the case now was a kidnapping.

These two men noticed how well the third wheel of the group was and found it better to kidnap this girl and demand ransom lest she would be sold off to the next city's most famous brothel.

They struggled as they made their way to the alley that Chu Fan would stumble across.

Xin Hai had to keep up with his act and would be determined to put off his desire to kill Zhu Zhong until another opportunity arose. And so the two split up and were currently searching for Hun Lian.

"Mmmh! MMMMmmmMMmmH!" said the little girl whose mask had been taken off and gagged.

"Hahahaha! Big Brother, this time we caught ourselves a fat swan. Her father will surely pay a hefty amount for his precious daughter. And even if he is unwilling, the brothel will surely pay a big amount for such a lass with promising looks. We're guaranteed to make much more money than that small assassination job you took up." the taller and bulkier man spoke.

"Shut up, we can't be speaking too loud here. If any of the enforcer's heard your words, we'd be killed. We need to lay low for a while before hauling off our big catch." said the shorter buck tooth man.

Chu Fan assessed the situation and made these two out to be low level dimwits. Xin Hai was smart enough to hire goons that were stronger than Zhu Zhong, yet weaker than him. This meant that these two men were at the second level of Qi Condensation or approaching the third level.

Chu Fan had been undetected because he was seen as too weak to even bother with and the two men chose not to even include him in their radar. He had even in his past life had the ability to be unnoticed at many times; even when directly speaking to a group, they would never seem to hear his words or notice his presence.

And so Chu Fan climbed the rooftops until he stood over the two men and the bound girl. As he made eye contact with Hun Lian he took off his mask and waved.

Hun Lian looked up and saw a figure standing on the roof tiles. In her eyes she was happy to have a savior, but upon noticing it was Chu Fan, she began to cry. Her gagged mouth made her cries muffled and she coughed as she choked.

"You idiot loosen the gag, look, you're choking the brat." barked the smaller man.

"Ah, yes Big Brother." the big brute said as he squat down to loosen the gag.

Seeing his chance Chu Fan leapt. And while in midair he formed hand seals he saw in the cultivation slip. He formed his blade; it looked to be a Hmong knife from his past life. As it came into physical form it looked to be the size of a palm; it was a dagger sized knife.

Chu Fan had long ago resolved himself to kill with no mercy. For all heroes would have to kill others in their journey to immortality.

Mercy and pity were dumb words thought up by idealists who didn't want to dirty their hands for the sake of their so-called Utopian world views. Everything holds a certain balance; villains create heroes and the path to immortality is one that cannot spare a couple of lives.

"Ha!" he exclaimed as he fell from five meters high before he landed on the back of the squatting brute.

Before the bigger goon could react, Chu Fan had flicked his blade of qi through the back of the man's neck piercing through the throat.

Gargling his last words as he choked on his blood, he threw Chu Fan off of him at the wall next to Hun Lian.

This throw knocked the wind out of Chu Fan as well as fracturing the ribs of his right lower-torso. He coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Hun Lian was too shocked by the sight that had unfolded before her. She was splattered with blood and was in a state of shock rendering her motionless and speechless.

She was amazed by Chu Fan's daring actions and terrified by his resolve to kill before trying to resolve this conflict with words and money.

The shorter buck toothed man was shocked by the events that unfolded before him also. He had lost his little brother in an instant. He ran over to his dying brother's side and held him.

"No, this can't be happening. I can stand being exiled from our sect, but I can't lose you. What about our promise. We were supposed to bring that detestable sect leader to his knees as he begs for forgiveness." cried the buck-toothed one.

The big brute raised his right hand to pat the smaller man's head when he went limp and his hand hit the floor motionless.

"Noooo!" screamed the smaller man.

He had entered a frenzied state and locked his eyes onto Hun Lian.

She reminded him of a certain girl that had gotten him and his brother exiled from there sect. The girl had accused him and his brother of committing unspeakable crimes. After being exiled, him and his brother wandered, looking for a place to belong. Until one day they were recruited to join a certain gang. There they were taught to embrace the darkness and commit the crimes they were accused of. There they felt a sense of brotherhood from others who were also exiled. Until one day they were hired to do a bit of dirty work leading to the events unfolding right now.

And in a fit of madness resulting from his brother's death he found it fit to lash at the nearest person he could blame his life's problems on.

He lunged at the terrified girl who was too terrified to scream as she was splattered with the blood from the big brute's wound.

In his fit of anger he didn't notice Chu Fan charge at him while pushing Hun Lian aside. And so Chu Fan slashed upwardly at the enraged buck-toothed man. He managed to cut the man's right wrist in a manner that his veins would not close despite striking his accupoints. And he jumped back a distance from the little boy.

"Damn, you fricking fatty. How can such a child be so crafty? What? First level of Qi Condensation already?" muttered the buck-toothed man.

Clutching his right rib cage and coughing up little bits of blood, Chu Fan said, "The first level of Qi Condensation is nothing to me. This little fatso will become an immortal one day. And all who underestimate me will regret it."

The man began to slowly bleed to death and looked at Chu Fan like a bloodthirsty wolf. If he was to die, then he would die together with these troublesome children that brought him so much grief.

The man produced a pill from his storage ring and ate it.

In an instant his body convulsed and he grew. Parts of his skin burst where his joints grew too large. He no longer took the form of a human.

The pill he consumed was a Silver-Back Metamorphosis pill; this pill was a vicious poison that had no known cure. It was a last resort pill that boosted the physical powers of those who consumed it by threefold; it caused them to morph into beast-like creatures. They would remain like so until all their meridians exploded and they died a bloody painful death.

Resolving to die with his enemies before him, he howled as he charged at Chu Fan.

With his feet firmly pressed against the ground, Chu Fan yelled in his mind, "Heaven Cleaver, wake up! I need you right now!"

And with a resilient glow, the Heaven Cleaver produced itself, transforming from a bracelet into a kitchen knife.

Chu Fan only had a split second to think of what he could do with the shape-shifting cleaver in his hands. All he could think of was defense; so he pictured a giant wok. And the Heaven Cleaver transformed into a wok in that split second.

"Hah! You think a wok will stop me." stated the monster as he charged towards them with even more force.

Chu Fan grabbed Hun Lian as he placed the wok on his back bracing for impact.

"Boom!" was the sound made as the monster charged at the wok.

With the reverberations from the wok, the monster and Chu Fan spat a mouthful of blood. Chu Fan had gained fractures on his left shoulder that supported the wok. The monster himself was left with a dislocated right shoulder that hung from the socket.

The wok was sent flying through the wall into the building behind the wall where they proceeded to break though the building into the market street.

Everybody noticed the commotion and circled around the wok.

"Rawr!" yelled the monster as he charged towards the wok in the middle of the market.

Enforcers appeared but were knocked away by the monster like toothpicks in front of a swinging baseball bat.

Hearing the commotion Xin Hai and Zhu Zhong raced to the scene in case it was related to Hun Lian's disappearance.

The wok opened slightly where Chu Fan and Hun Lian were able to peak at their surroundings. They inspected the crowd until they locked eyes with Zhu Zhong and Xin Hai.

"Big brother Xin Hai. Save us, I was being kidnapped and Chu Fan rescued me. He's hurt and I don't know if he can take it any longer." she pleaded.

Just as she uttered those words a loud roar was heard and thunderous footsteps came closer.

The crowd dispersed as the monster pounced on the wok, embedding it into the market street.

Inside the wok, Chu Fan continually coughed up blood as his body felt squished under the weight of the giant monster. He had made an effort to hold his body up against the wok and keep Hun Lian safe.

He smiled to her and reassured her, "Don't worry. This fattie's been through worse. Big brother Xin Hai will come through and I'll cook us all a great meal. Don't cry alright. The daughter of a sect chief must be strong and courageous."

He patted her head and fainted from his accumulated injuries.

Thinking he had died, Hun Lian cried out, "Big Brother Xin Hai, hurry! Chu Fan is dying. Save him."

Xin Hai leapt into action and rushed the monstrous figure before him forming hand seals.

Zhu Zhong could do nothing because he had yet to begin cultivating and was powerless in this situation. And so Zhu Zhong could only watch in fear and anticipation of his sworn brother's situation.

Annoyed at the interference, the buck-toothed monster swiped at Xin Hai, only to hit an after-image.

Xin Hai appeared in front of the monster as he formed the last hand seal. And he thrust his index and middle finger onto the dantian of the monster. Sword qi erupted from behind the monster as its insides were ravaged by sword qi.

Struggling to fight back, the buck-tooth monster swiped again at Xin Hai. He was aiming for Xin Hai's head.

Xin Hai shift his head barely dodging the attack, losing his mask in the process. This caused the monster to become shocked in an instant.

With his dying breath, the monster laughed out loud.

"You will rue the day you crossed the Lunar Fox Gang, Xin Hai." shouted the monster.

Xin Hai was angered at this and swiftly formed hand seals, summoning a rain of swords upon the monster's head. He had effectively impaled the monster's brain killing the monster instantly.

The buck-toothed monster fell over next to the wok kicking up a bit of dust.

Inside the wok, Chu Fan continuously fell in and out of consciousness. Hun Lian and Chu Fan had to sit patiently while sound of fighting were heard outside.

When everything fell silent Chu Fan returned the Heaven Cleaver into a bracelet again and wore it. He tried to stand up but fell over on his back.

Zhu Zhong ran to his side and held him up. They were surrounded by the crying Hun Lian and emotionless Xin Hai.

"Chu Fan, are you okay? Why are you here?" the concerned Zhu Zhong asked.

"I'm fine. This amount of damage is no problem to me. I saw you and Xin Hai sneaking around and followed you into this place. I didn't expect to get a chance to be the hero today." said Chu Fan as he coughed up some blood.

Before Zhu Zhong could say anything more Chu Fan fainted.

"Chu Fan! What's wrong. No. No! Don't fall asleep!" the concerned boy screamed.

Xin Hai was silent as he assessed the situation. He glared at the body of the buck-toothed man.

The body of the former man shriveled up and lay motionless. His spatial storage ring shattered upon his death and all contents were emptied onto the streets; and all the people closed in to take whatever they could take hold of.

They fought and destroyed a couple of things; a bottle of pills was tossed and shattered near Chu Fan. A couple of pills landed on his right palm; but they seemed to have dissolved into his very palms.

In all the commotion, a wisp flew out from his body. This was his soul, it was to return to the Lunar Fox Gang where they could find out who his killer was. A soul could retain the final moments of a person's life, most importantly their killer.

Before it could get far, Xin Hai sent a sword qi destroying the buck-toothed man's soul.

The big brute's soul had already dispersed earlier with the image of a fat child in his memories. That would be the only clue that the Lunar Fox Gang had.

Xin Hai had no choice but to rush them back to the sect. He personally carried the unconscious Chu Fan back to the sect.

When they arrived back at the sect, the sun had began to set. Chu Fan was immediately fed a Phoenix Tear elixir and brought to rest on his dorm bed. The Sect Chief hurriedly sent for a physician and was impatiently waiting for his arrival.

Zhu Zhong did not leave Chu Fan's side as he lay on his bed. The other children were also concerned and wondered how Chu Fan had come to be in such a pitiful state.

Not being able to wait any longer, Tian Han decided to use his Eyes of God to see the qi fluctuations in Chu Fan's body. To his shock, he saw that the qi in Chu Fan's body seemed to be stagnating. There was no real movements.

"What? Why is his qi not moving?" asked the curious Tian Han.

Hun Lian, who had teary eyes, said, "Father, this does not sound good. Please tell big brother Xin Hai to hurry."

Before the sect chief could reply a message talisman appeared before him. He swiftly left the dorm room and headed over to receive the physician.

As the physician came in to assess the damage, he instructed the children to leave the room.

One by one they looked at the seriously injured fat kid lying unconscious and exited.

"Damn fatty, you can't die before I get my revenge." said the cross-dresser.

"You haven't even seen my full collection of magic treasures yet, so don't die yet." said the pretty rich boy.

"I still have yet to try your cooking, I need to verify your skills personally." said the spectacle wearing networker.

"You promised we'd get revenge. You can't break your promise with me. We're sworn brothers, we die together. And you don't want to disappoint Huang Mudan, she thinks so highly of you." said the crying Zhu Zhong.

"Talk about humble, you've made a scene of yourself today. Wake up, this is nothing to you right?" sobbed the spoiled daughter of the sect chief.

After examining Chu Fan, the physician sighed and relayed the news to the sect chief.

"This child is lucky to have been fed the phoenix tear elixir. Without it he would have suffered until death. The damages he accumulated today have destroyed all of his meridians and blocked them off. If he's lucky he'll be able to walk again in a years time if he wakes up. For the time being he is in a comatose state; there's no knowing when he'll awaken." the physician said.

"How cruel? This child really is not destined to walk the path to immortality. The sect shall take care of him for the rest of his life as thanks for saving my daughter." stated the sect chief.

He relayed the news to the other youths and they cried. For the hopes and dreams of a fellow cultivator to have his hopes and dreams shattered before even beginning was a sight for sore eyes.

They resolved themselves to practice hard and cultivate so that they could one day get the vengeance that Chu Fan deserved.

Chu Fan was currently waking up to discover total darkness, his past life flashed before him and an image of a monster flew out to attack him.

It was his heart demon, the very form of his self-hatred and dislike of accepting life as it came. And so he fought back, for a long time.

He endlessly slashed at it with the first level of the spirit sword formation. The beast would cry and bleed but it would always rush back at him.

This all happened until he came to a realization that fighting back was useless.

Looking back on the many teachings of philosophy; he had an epiphany.

To hate your flaws was useless, a person was unique because of their flaws. Knowing your own weakness meant being able to overcome it. And that suffering was all a part of life, it let us savor the good and learn from the bad.

And he put his hands to the side and welcomed his heart demon into his embrace.

In that moment he opened his eyes and saw daylight. He sat himself up and observed his surroundings.

He was shocked to have found himself on his bed. He moved his legs to get out of bed and immediately fell on his face.

"Wait, why can't I walk? What's wrong? Oh no! How long have I been asleep?" he asked as he felt his face and saw the long hair of his. His voice had cracked which scared him slightly.

A fellow disciple walked into the room carrying food. It was a feminine boy around twelve years old.

As soon as he saw Chu Fan on the ground, the boy screamed with delight.

He ran to Chu Fan's side and said, "Chu Fan, are you okay? You didn't hurt yourself too bad falling did you?" as he helped Chu Fan back on the bed.

Chu Fan began to scan the body of fellow disciple as it he seemed to have known him from somewhere.

The feminine disciple blushed and turned away.

"Insolent pervert, what crazy thoughts are going through your mind right now?" he exclaimed.

This feminine disciple was none other than the cross-dresser, Yao Lingyan.

Chu Fan had noticed that it was her but was still wondering how much time might have passed while he was asleep.

"How long have I been asleep for Lingyan?" he quickly asked her.

"How dare you be so informal with me? We're not even that close." she said as she blushed.

Chu Fan said nothing as he only drew a moon with both his hands and clapped.

"Damn detestable pervert." Yao Lingyan said as she left the room pouting and stomping; she checked the temperature of her burning cheeks as she cooled off outside.

For a couple of minutes, Chu Fan looked around the dorm room. The other disciples had more belongings on their personal desks now compared to Chu Fan's, almost barren, desk.

On Da Bao's desk was a calendar that stated what date it was. By doing simple math, Chu Fan deduced how long he had been asleep for.

"Four fu**ing years, I've been asleep four freaking years. How lazy are you, Chu Fan? To sleep four years and miss the sect promotions test." he angrily lectured himself.

Four years have passed and Chu Fan finally woke up; only to find out he missed the big test and couldn't do as he promised.

"Well, the good thing is you're alive. Besides, you would have never passed the test anyhow." said Yao Lingyan.

She noticed what she said and pursed her palms at her mouth.

"What are you talking about? How are you so certain I won't be able to pass the test? I'm Chu Fan; that test is no problem for me. Let me demonstrate my great skills." he proudly stated as he pointed to himself.

He started to form hand seals as he'd seen in the cultivation slip. As he finished the last and seal he pointed out with his left index and middle finger. Yet no sword appeared.

Yao Lingyan teared up as she sat next to him and explained the situation to Chu Fan.

It hit him like a storm as his face froze and his eyes lost their essence of playfulness and life.

"Leave, I need to be alone right now." he whispered to Yao Lingyan.

She exited the dorm room and closed the doors.

Immediately after, sounds of muffled crying could be heard as Chu Fan cried and screamed at the top of his lungs into his blankets.

He was infuriated with the cruel hand that fate had dealt him.

Outside Yao Lingyan could do nothing but cry silently for the pitiable fatty.

As the tears dripped from his eyes, Chu Fan wiped them away.

"No, no! There has to be another way. There's always another path to immortality." he said as he sniffled.

Before he could finish his thinking a light appeared on his right palm. It shot out and relayed a holographic message.

"Necessary conditions filled, 'Virgin Tears of Anguish and Defiance' accepted as payment. New User registered: Chu Fan. Age: 12 years old. Would you like to read the manual?" popped up with a yes or no option.

Chu Fan, hesitatingly pressed 'yes' and in the next instant a book entered his mind with all the necessary use and guidelines of the tablet had. The obsidian tablet he had received was similar to a device from his past life. This otherworldly object was one of the many cheat devices that most likely would have made it's way to Zhu Zhong's hands, had Chu Fan not followed the group.

The table had a wide array of uses like: unlimited spatial storage, item upgrading, item fusion, item crafting, global positioning, and universal talk and talisman messaging.

He explored its many functions before coming across the storage function. He noticed that in the storage there was nothing but five pills. He tapped the pills to see the information on it.

Upon reviewing it, he came to a crazy conclusion. In some Xianxia and Wuxia, the hero is able to destroy and rebuild their meridians. He was inspired to do so; and so he attempted to put the pills into item upgrading as a way of refining the pills of their negative side affects.

"To upgrade pills, payment is needed. Twenty-five shards of blood essence of or 1000 gold coins."

Chu Fan froze because he hadn't expected this damned tablet to have this detestable feature also. In his past life, he hated using applications and software that required a premium be paid.

But a paper lantern lit in his head as he remembered a certain trading card game that was made using the blood essences of combat beasts. He wondered if he could us those as payment.

"Yao Lingyan, would you be willing to buy me some Dokimon cards?" he asked the sobbing girl.

"What do you need Dokimon cards for?" she asked.

Chu Fan smiled and exclaimed, "This fattie's going to change his fate once again!"