A Small Event

Rubbing his hands together, Chu Fan started to get excited. He stopped Zhong Chen's trembling with a pat at both sides.

Zhong Chen quickly sat silently as he obediently waited for his instructions.

"Okay. The only reason why you are so afraid right now is because you are uncertain of many things. But fret not, most of that fear is in your head. I can assure you she feels same way right now. You are both hopeless and naive individuals when it comes to love."

Feeling a bit insulted, Zhong Chen was about to leave until he realized that Chu Fan's words were in fact true. He could only silently wait for Chu Fan to get to his point.

"Now when you approach her next. I want you to see her as an opponent, except here, you are battling with words. Keep calm and where down her defenses and let herself open up to you. Be natural and compliment one another like water does wood."

Chu Fan handed a teacup over to Zhong Chen. It was a mousse that Chu Fan had specifically prepared for Zhong Chen. Knowing that Zhong Chen didn't really care for sweets, Chu Fan made a dish especially for him. He made a savory two-layer mousse consisting of a liver mousse and a tomato mousse on the bottom; the two layers were separated by a cracker he had personally made.

The other disciples had already began savoring their desserts in their hands. Some had finished theirs too quickly and went for seconds. But of course Chu Fan had already planned ahead for that and made enough for all the attending disciples to have seconds.

He directed Zhong Chen to begin talking to Chu Shen. And the latter person approached the other party nervously.

Chu Shen was in the middle of tasting Chu Fan's dessert. She was making an ecstatic face as she savored every bite.

"You seem to be thoroughly enjoying Chu Fan's dessert." Zhong Chen said as he approached the Chu Shen.

She had been caught off guard by his words as she didn't expect him to be observing her as she ate. And so she choked a little.

"Hn? Ah, yes. Chu Fan's cooking skills are beyond my expectations. I never knew that a dessert could be so complex. I see you're also holding a cup. How do you like it?"

Zhong Chen chuckled as he was reluctant to eat what he thought was a dessert in his hands. He slowly spooned a small portion into his mouth. And to his bewilderment, the dish was savory. It wasn't a dessert at all.

His eyes lit up as he savored the one bite that he had in his mouth, allowing it to melt in his mouth and coat his taste buds with its complicated flavors.

"This is delicious, though it isn't a dessert at all." he proclaimed.

Chu Shen was curious and peered into his cup to see that it was indeed a different dish from hers.

"That Chu Fan. How come he didn't make me one too?" she said as she pouted.

Zhong Chen chuckled lightly and said, "Ah, sorry. I informed him earlier that I am not too keen on sweets. And so I think he made this for me out of consideration. I guess he didn't want me to feel left out."

Chu Shen glanced at Chu Fan who was greeting hallmaster Bu Fu and the sweeping elder that had just arrived at the cafeteria to chaperone the event.

"That child, he really knows how to lighten the mood."

And she turned back to face Zhong Chen who had helped himself to another spoonful of his delicious food.

He began to lick his lips while Chu Shen looked at him enviously.

"May I have a taste of your food, Zhong Chen?"

He almost said no and was prepared to jump backwards in retreat when he remembered who was asking him this question. And wanting to impress her; he presented his half eaten cup of savory mousse to her.

She scooped a spoonful of it into her mouth and made a delighted face as she relished in the delicate and bold flavors.

"Mm! This really is delicious. But I really think you should give the sweet dessert a try. You don't know what you're missing."

And she scooped up a spoonful of her dessert and offered to Zhong Chen.

He was baffled by this sudden turn of events, he was not expecting to be fed. But he could not refuse her and quickly ate the dessert she fed him.

"Mm, you're right. Though it is sweet. I feel I have come to like this dessert."

"See, sometimes in life, a little bit of sweetness isn't so bad for you."

Everything fell deadly silent as every disciple present was now watching the pair of senior disciples feeding each other. And the two senior disciples finally noticed the attention they had. And they blushed.

The crowd immediately turned away and continued with whatever they had been doing; giving these two senior disciples their privacy.

Zhong Chen was embarrassed and couldn't look Chu Shen in the eye. He scanned the room to find that Chu Fan was staring at him.

Seeing that he now had Zhong Chen's attention, Chu Fan started to give hand signals.

Zhong Chen didn't understand the hand gestures but assumed them to be an important message to go on without any hesitation. And so he took a deep breath and put on his most serious face.

"Right? Maybe can help me explore the wonders of desserts in the future. How about we go to the city this weekend and you can take me to try your favorite desserts?"

The room went quiet again as they wanted to here Chu Shen's response to this proposal.

She blushed and said, "Nn, okay! It's a date then."

And the crowd went nuts as they began to cheer and crowd the two senior disciples who had made plans for the weekend.

The two elders to the side shook their heads and looked at each other before congratulating each other.

"Congratulations to you, hallmaster Chen Si. You have groomed a fine young man there. I hope he does not hurt my Chu Shen's feelings." said hallmaster Bu Fu.

Hallmaster Chen Si nervously chuckled at her comment and nodded silently.

"Thank you hallmaster Bu Fu. But there is no need for a compliment. That child there has always been a frank person. His feelings for her must be genuine. I don't doubt that he'll treat her well."

The sweeping elder that Chu Fan had been talking to all this time was Forest Peak's hallmaster himself.

Chu Fan had overheard their conversation and he began to smile. He knew that the sweeping elder was a man of importance.

But he didn't need to be troubled by that right now. He made his way to congratulate his senior brother.

"Congratulations to you big brother. You've done well today. But don't be too happy yet; you've merely entered the battlefield of love." he said with an uplifting tone.

Zhong Chen nodded and clenched his fist.

"I know, and I trust I can rely on you when I need help the most. Can I put my trust in you, Chu Fan?"

"Of course you can trust in me. You'll conquer miss Chu Shen in no time with my help."

They laughed as they had come to an agreement.

Their laughter and celebration was cut short when hallmaster Chen Si walked over to congratulate his direct disciple.

"Nicely done Zhong Chen."

With a bow, he greeted his master.

"Greetings teacher. This disciple couldn't have done it without the help of this junior disciple here."

He pointed at a little chubby fat kid who was smiling from cheek to cheek.

"Greetings to hallmaster Chen Si. I'm happy to have you be here. I'm sorry for not having paid my respects earlier. Forgive me for not recognizing you earlier."

He bowed sincerely as he apologized for the way he casually acted with the hallmaster.

Hallmaster Chen Si only shook his head as he smiled.

"How about we have a competition right now? Participants will demonstrate their abilities and those that impress me will receive sect points from me." said hallmaster Chen Si.

"We of River-Flowing peak would also like to join in. I will hold the same terms for disciples from River-Flowing Peak. But let's make this interesting and make it a competition between the our two peaks." said hallmaster Bu Fu.

"Yeah! A competition."

The massive group of disciples made their way out to the courtyard outside of the cafeteria as they would start their competition.

All the disciples present joined including Chu Fan.

Everybody was separated by generation and cultivation level. And they began displaying their best cultivation techniques as they sparred.

One by one, the disciples sparred amongst themselves. Many students had gotten a good amount of sect points and some were lectured for the lack of improvement in cultivation and fighting ability.

Most of the participants only participated to impress members of the opposite sex. They wanted to show off their abilities and charm.

Chu Fan on the other hand, only wanted to do it for the sect points. There was no doubt in his mind that he would not win. So he patiently waited his turn.

The competition was coming to a close and the awaited pair of contestants came on stage: Zhong Chen and Chu Shen.

All the disciples and the hallmasters themselves wanted to see how the direct disciples of each peak would do when pitted against each other in a contest of cultivation.

Honestly they were evenly matched as they came from two peaks that were polar opposites in nature.

They bowed to one another as they stared intensely at each other. Their desire for battle made the atmosphere tense up.

The disciples started discussing amongst themselves how the match would go.

"Senior brother will surely win. If he uses the '18 Dragon Grasping Fists'. Senior Chu Shen will surely forfeit the match."

""Ach-tooey! Senior sister will not lose. She'll bring Senior Zhong Chen to his knees using the Deity-Alluring Fist."

Chu Fan hearing this, thought back to his cultivation slips. He realized that Xin Hai had played him for a fool and gave him a yin-natured cultivation slip. He was a bit angered but figured he could be able to find some part of the cultivation slip to gain insight from. Even a theory from the cultivation could help him in the future.

The two crowds almost began to riot as they began to argue over who would become the eventual victor.

The two martial arts mentioned were of the same ranking, they were both four-star mortal tier techniques.

Their was a complicated way of ranking cultivation techniques in this world. They were ranked by power, speed, efficiency, and the number of openings a person had when performing said technique in question.

For every tier there were five subcategories a technique could be ranked in; and those were named stars. A technique that was improved upon over the centuries could go up a star level, but was granted a half-star until it was assessed. The same could be said for techniques that lost its quality over time.

The tiers themselves had four categories: mortal being the lowest, earth being the second, heaven being third, and limitless; which had no stars in it however.

Amidst the arguments about various cultivation techniques, Chu Fan was starting to become impatient.

A gong rang and the battle began, silencing the two bickering sides of disciples. The one who rang said gong was none other than Chu Fan.

The two charged at each other and their cultivation burst as the air and pressure around them became more intense. Some cultivators sitting too close found it hard to breathe as the two clashed.

Both sides performed the techniques mentioned by the other disciples and neither side was at an advantage over the other. In fact, their moves seemed to cancel each other out.

Chu Fan had easily deduced that these cultivation techniques cancelled each other out because their intended purposes and creation were for teamwork. The techniques complimented each other and thus also cancelled each other.

The fight dragged on until the pressure itself began to lighten and the two senior disciples onstage started to look like they were dancing and having fun. Their intention from the start was never to hurt one another.

Seeing as the match was going nowhere the two hallmasters stopped the match and declared it a no-contest match.

"Everybody, I would like to thank you for participating in this little competition today. I hop you all will go back to study and learn from today's matches. Now I can declare that the competition has come to its conclu-"

"Wait up, I haven't even gone up yet!"

Chu Fan ran to the front where he interrupted hallmaster Chen Si.

It was true that the hallmaster had forgotten Chu Fan; but he only forgot because he hadn't thought that Chu Fan had any intention of joining in. Especially since he had barely come out of a four year long coma.

"But Chu Fan, you've merely come out of a coma. Don't you want to rest. It's better for you not to compete just yet because you can get seriously injured." said hallmaster Chen Si.

"You underestimate this fatty here, hallmaster, sir. I haven't shown you what I'm capable of yet. Plus, I can't pass on the chance to acquire valuable sect points."

Seeing as he could not sway Chu Fan from a match, hallmaster Chen Si could only sigh and allow Chu Fan to participate.

"Who here is twelve years old and at... the third level of Qi Condensation!?"

Hallmaster Chen Si was taken back as he finally noticed the change in Chu Fan's cultivation level. He remembered only having met Chu Fan three times prior to this event although each time he saw him, he rose a level. And to go up two levels in two days was a nearly impossible feat, had he not seen Chu Fan do it.

He began to ponder over it but wanted to see the ability this confident little fat kid before him really had.

The crowd began to discuss amongst themselves who was of similar age and cultivation level.

Yao Lingyan and the others looked at themselves but they were at the fifth level of Qi Condensation so they would not risk hurting Chu Fan. The only one close enough in age and cultivation to Chu Fan was Hun Lian, who was a year younger and at the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Yao Lingyan walked up to the front to inform hallmaster Chen Si.

"Reporting to hallmaster Chen Si. The only one that might fit that description is.....is the sect chief's daughter, Hun Lian."

Chu Fan turned to face his possible foe, who was still eating the desserts of the other disciples who offered her their second helpings of dessert mousse.

"This....I don't know if I can let this happen. Chu Fan, if she disagrees to this, then you must give up participating this time around also okay."

Chu Fan nodded in understanding.

Hun Lian's face at this time was covered with any bits of mousse that missed her mouth. She was oblivious as to what had just been said as she was savoring the last bite she had.

She had felt everybody's gaze on her after she was done eating.

"Ah, what's this? Why is everybody so silent? What are you all looking at?"

Thinking she was just cute and that everybody knew that, she began to strike poses.

Chu Fan walked up to her and patted her head.

"Hun Lian, how would you like to duel me right now?"

"Ha!? Why? I don't like fighting. All father does all day is force me to cultivate and learn to fight. I won't do it. If you want to fight, you can ask Yao Lingyan, Da Bao, or Tian Hai."

Everybody breathed a sigh of relief when they heard her decline Chu Fan's proposal.

"How about this? If you can beat me, I'll make you an unlimited supply of my special desserts. I have more than a thousand different types of desserts I have yet to cook."

He baited her nicely; as soon as she heard the mention of desserts, she was ready to be reeled in.

"Deal! You better keep your promise though. I know you like talk a lot of nonsense."

"Trust in me. When have I ever tricked you." he said with a smile.

In truth, any of the other students would have agreed also. To be able to each such exotic delicacies everyday was an envious thing. Some of the disciples almost interrupted Hun Lian as they wished to take her place and obtain Chu Fan's proposed incentive.

Everybody fell speechless, they didn't know if they should allow such a match to happen. They didn't want the sect chief's daughter to be hurt. They doted on her as she was the Skyward Sword Sect's undisputed little sister and young mistress. But they knew that if she wanted to do something, her stubbornness would not allow her to turn away.

The female elder disciples around her had helped her tidy up as she headed to the makeshift platform the disciples had been fighting on.

Chu Fan had already made his way on stage as he patiently waited for her to prepare.

They gave each other fist-hand salutes and assumed their fighting stances.

"Let the match begin!" yelled hallmaster Chen Si.

The gong sounded and the atmosphere changed.

Chu Fan and Hun Lian's personalities changed in an instant. Both of them were usually such carefree spirits; yet, at this moment, they turned deadly serious.

Hun Lian had been conditioned by her father ever since she was old enough to cultivate that any fight could end in death. For her this meant she had to enter a different state of mind and ultimately change her personality. She was conscious of it, and this worked to her advantage. Even amongst the disciples at the school she could be considered a prodigy. She was just too lazy to fully commit to her cultivation and studies.

Chu Fan could also enter such a state. But his ability to due so was because of his heightened desire to live. After all, he did make a pact to deny the heavens their tragic comedy they made his life to be.

Hun Lian was the first to rush in and close the gap between them both.

She thrust her right palm towards him at a high speed. Yet in his eyes, she was moving very slowly.

This was his first time in a real face-to-face fight. The feeling of it all was exhilarating to him as he almost saw everything come at him in slow motion as adrenaline coursed through his veins and he could feel the qi coming off Hun Lian's fists.

"Wow, he's more agile than I expected him to be."

"Damn, how is a third level Qi Condensation newbie able to keep up with a fourth level prodigy like her."

"That fatty seems to be playing with her. How come he's not attacking at all?"

Seeing that her blows were not landing, Hun Lian began to get frustrated. She had planned to end the match early by knocking Chu Fan out of the ring or forcing him to forfeit. Chu Fan had forced her to use her last resort.

"Look! Sh-sh-she's performing the Fist of the Northern Lights!"

The Fist of the Northern Lights was one of the sect's guarded techniques. The fact that Hun Lian had access to such a technique was not much of a surprise.

This technique was a fearsome one that was yin in nature. It was an ice-elemental technique that froze parts of the cultivator struck by it's blows. It was a mystical technique created by a female elder of the sect while on her travels in the northern nation many centuries ago.

Hun Lian's movement started to become unpredictable. Her body began to sway and shift as if she was a bamboo tree moving whichever way the wind blew.

Chu Fan had barely began to understand her attack pattern and was ready to counter her and throw her off the platform until she started moving differently.

He felt a dreading sensation come from her as she emitted a cold qi from her body. He knew that she was finally getting serious.

She began her attack by rushing him. She lashed her hands out like whips. He could only see the after-images of her arms that seemed to warp and look like noodles.

He had luckily rolled over to the side to dodge her. But he was still too slow, she lashed one more time and he blocked with his right wrist. The force of the blow knocked him back near the edge of the platform.

Feeling the stinging coldness on his wrist, he grit his teeth. He would have to get very serious also. This time he was prepared to counter.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He went through the punching routine of the Heaven-Guiding Palm Technique and began to sway his arms as he took the offensive form.

The crowd was stunned by his actions.

"What? The Heaven-Guiding Palm Technique? Is that all he knows. This could get bad."

The hallmasters were ready to stop the fight at any moment. They were just about to get up from their chairs that instant but were interrupted and appalled by what they saw.

Chu Fan started executing a routine that they had never seen before.

His moves began to flow and cause a disturbance in the wind. His qi was quickly gathering at his palms as he built up momentum.

Hun Lian thought nothing of Chu Fan's actions and thought he was just putting on a show. She rushed at him again ready to attack.

She swung at him with her left hand and Chu Fan seemed to move slightly to the left only. A weird maneuver in the eyes of the many cultivators. Such a simple maneuver wouldn't have really evaded such an attack.

What they had neglected to see were the positions that Chu Fan's hands were at. He had effectively deflected the attack while dodging.

Seeing that Chu Fan had dodged her, Hun Lian turned around and began her assault again.

Chu Fan would slowly and effortlessly maneuver his hands slightly causing Hun Lian to rotate this time; this caused her to come crashing down on the floor as she landed on her side with a great speed.

He had made her lose her footing by redirection her momentum at a weird angle.

"He's using soft force to counter her hard force. What a smart child we have here." said hallmaster Bu Fu as she nodded in approval.

Hallmaster couldn't help but agree.

"This disciple here could very well be a hidden gem amongst our very own disciples. He needs some polishing, but he may prove to be a great participant in the inter-sect tournament two years from now."

Hun Lian was infuriated at this point. She had never lost before in her life. The others that she had competed with before now had always let her win. All she had ever known was winning and to come so close to losing scared her.

She got back up and a killing intent surged in the atmosphere as she stormed her way to Chu Fan. She formed hand seals very quickly in her maddened state, along the way.

Everything happened in an instant and the hallmasters were powerless to stop Hun Lian at this instant.

She was already in the midst of performing her finisher move.

Chu Fan felt a pulling force grasp at his throat as a phantom image of the aurora borealis danced about, almost putting him in a trance.

He was saved his perception as he knew it was an illusion. He knew he would die if he was hit by this attack and prepared to use his most powerful attack to counter Hun Lian.

He began to swing his arms as he began to form a vortex pulling in the surrounding qi in the area. He used this qi to revolve the wind around his palms.

He compacted the balls of wind together and held his hands together near the left side of his waist.

His clothes began to flutter and his topknot undid itself, making his hair flutter about. He looked like he had summoned a deity and been possessed by it.

As Hun Lian's arm came within an inch of contacting him, he released the built up qi in his palms in her direction. The wind qi surged forth and sent her flying in the air. She was enveloped in a light as she seemed to be protected by a treasure on her body.

A shock wave shook the crowd as Hun Lian was sent flying. The force that came from Chu Fan's palms had propelled her upwards at an astonishing speed. She had passed out from the impact and sudden acceleration of her body; and now she was plummeting down at an astonishing speed also.

Chu Fan had been knocked back by the force of his move also, as he lay on the floor with a ringing sound in his ears and his hair stuck in its flared position. He looked like he belonged a Japanese rock band from his past life.

The hallmasters were quick to action as hallmaster Bu Fu leaped into the air to retrieve the unconscious Hun Lian. Hallmaster Chen Si rushed to Chu Fan's side to see if he was injured. Seeing that he wasn't all that hurt besides having a ruptured eardrum.

He fed Chu Fan a blood-recovery pill just in case. And Hun Lian was fed the same pill as she woke up when hallmaster Bu Fu and her landed.

Hun Lian was in tears at this point. She had thoroughly lost, and to Chu Fan of all people. The other disciples were silent as they secretly feared Chu Fan's hidden potential. He had bested a prodigy who was a level above him.

He had proved that he himself was an underdog prodigy they had never expected to appear among their ranks.

Chu Fan walked over to comfort the crying Hun Lian. She feared him a little as she knew of the damage he was capable of; but she chose not to run or hide as she knew that he didn't have any intention of hurting her.

He patted her on the head and smiled at her.

"It's okay, I'll still make delicious foods for you whenever you want me to okay. You have to promise me no more crying though." he said as he pinched her nose.

Sniffling at this point, Hun Lian forced her tears back.

"You really mean it? You'll make me all the desserts in the world even though I lost? Don't lie to me. I hate liars the most." she said as tears began to pool around her eyes again.

"Of course I mean it. I can cook you anything you desire, no problem at all." he said as he snapped his fingers.

Hun Lian began to smile and laugh as she was consoled by Chu Fan's words.

"Then I shall wait for the next dessert you create. I hope to show father and mother your cooking skills." she said with a bright smile.

Seeing that everything was fine now, the hallmasters began to disperse the disciples as it was getting late.

The many disciples made their way back to their dorms talking about the thrilling duel they had just witnessed.

Hallmaster Bu Fu made it her utmost duty to escort Hun Lian back to her living quarters safely. And hallmaster Chen Si stayed behind to talk with Chu Fan for a while.

"Chu Fan, tell me honestly. Was the technique you used really the Heaven-Guiding Palm Technique of our school?"

Chu Fan could not tell him about the tablet, so he scratched his head as he thought of a possible excuse.

"Replying to headmaster. While this disciple was studying the Heaven-Guiding Palm Technique. I noticed that it didn't flow correctly, rather it was a bit erratic. One could never fully master all of its levels in its current state."

Baffled by the understanding of this twelve year old kid, hallmaster Chen Si chose to keep prodding for information.

"What do you mean? How did you solve this issue?"

Chu Fan looked puzzled.

"Forgive this disciple, for I must be frank when I say this. It's been modified by idiots. The technique as it is now strays too far from the original version. They try to take too many shortcuts, lowering the quality and ranking of the technique."

He was right on the dot about his point. He could tell by the look on the hallmaster's face. The original copy had been long lost with time. And they could only produce one from memory, and that one was modified by others until it degraded into its current state.

Chu Fan continued with his explanation.

"I'm only guessing, but part of my success only comes from the mnemonics of it all. The theory of it all has given me the inspiration to create a version of the Heaven-Guiding Palm Technique that befits me. It will never be the same as the original from long ago."

Hallmaster Chen Si was at a loss for words as he felt he really had underestimated this silly and carefree young man before him.

He was stricken with many thoughts on the matter and sent Chu Fan on his way so he could ponder over such matters.

Chu Fan arrived at his dorm after his fellow disciples. Tian Hai and Da Bao had gone to sleep immediately after they got back and were snoring loudly.

"Yao Lingyan, that cross-dresser must have gone to take a bath."

He assumed so because he knew that a girl like Yao Lingyan, would not be able to sleep while sticky from the accumulated sweat as a result of tonight's events.

He went to sit on his bed, where his pillow began to light up.

"Oh sh**! Fu**! I forgot all about Huang Mudan. It's been four years. Oh my god!" he said in his quietest voice, making sure to not wake the others.

He opened the parchment paper and read her messages. He scrolled through the countless messages she had sent "him" over the course of four years. And he cried, he felt sorry for not ever replying to her. He imagined how depressed she might have been that the person she had waited for a reply from would take four years to reply to her.

He stuffed the parchment paper, a brush, and an ink stone in his robes and made his way to the gazebo in his dorm's private garden.

It was past curfew and the candles had been put out. The only thing lighting the way was the moonlight, which came and went this cloudy day.

Chu Fan carried a lamp with him as he made his way to the gazebo.

Along the way he heard the voice of someone singing a folk song. This gave him goosebumps as he tried to brave his way through the darkness. If anything he could always use his Heaven-Guiding Palm technique the blow any evil spirits away. At least that's what he told himself.

At this time a cloud was covering the moon and everything was pitch-black.

Chu Fan had just turned around the corner to enter the garden, and he heard a shriek come from right in front of him.


It was a female's voice. But hearing such a chilling shriek, he was terrified and tried to run. But to his dismay, his legs were trembling like jelly. He dropped the lamp as he tried to run.

He could only sit in the darkness and hope that the ghost in the garden didn't want to eat such a fat child like himself. He sat for a good five minutes. Seeing that nothing was happening, he got up.

Eventually, he found his way to the gazebo.

He was blind to what might be in front of him and could only use his hands to feel his surroundings.

He eventually placed his hands on something soft. It felt perky and malleable. He squeezed it and heard a light moan.

"Wh-what? What the heck is this?!"

As he asked this question the clouds cleared up and the moonlight shined down upon the garden illuminating the garden and gazebo.

Chu Fan saw that he had been groping a pair of breasts. He dared not look up as he feared he would be presented with a rotten faced woman.

"Who are you? Are you a human or ghost?"

Receiving no reply, he mustered up his courage and looked at the person whose breast he was groping.

The face of person he was groping gave him a scare far more terrifying than if he had encountered a ghost. If anything, he could have helped the ghost girl escape from the clutches of an evil tree demon holding it hostage and possibly fell in love.

No, the woman he had been groping was none other than Yao Lingyan. She stared at him with haunting eyes as many thoughts went through her mind.

She had headed back to the dorm room after she got bored of watching the senior disciples drag on their duel. She had gone to take a bath and thought it was a nice opportunity to dress up and feel like a girl once again; especially since she hadn't been dressed like one in the past four years she had been in the sect.

When she made her way back to the dorm room, she saw that Tian Hai and Da Bao were heading in and chose to wait in the garden until they fell asleep first. She had been singing folk songs to pass the time by. Before she knew it, it was too dark and she was too scared to walk in the darkness. So she was patiently waiting for the clouds to disperse and let the moonlight give her a path back.

She was definitely not expecting somebody to walk around the corner with a lamp and screamed in shock. She assumed that if she was quiet enough, the person would run off back to wherever they came from. But who would have thought she would end up being groped and squeezed by this fat and perverted rascal before her.

Chu Fan calmly lifted his hands from her breast and backed up slowly. He fell the floor and began to kowtow at her feet three times while begging for forgiveness.

"I'm so sorry! This perverted fool deserves the death penalty. As long as I don't have to kill myself, I'll do anything you ask of me." he said as he slapped himself repeatedly.

Hearing nothing, he looked up at Yao Lingyan's face. Her eyes were filled with tears as she tried her hardest to hold them back.

Chu Fan felt bad and patted her on the head.

"Don't cry alright. I'll make it up to you I promise."

This was the straw that broke the camels back; Yao Lingyan began to bawl uncontrollably.

Being the proud daughter and princess of the Northern Nation, she was told to never cry as it was a sign of weakness. But after having all her weaknesses seen by Chu Fan of all people she could not help but cry.

Chu Fan had taken many of her first encounters. He had seen her body that she wanted only her future husband to see, he was the first boy to touch her buttocks, and he was the first boy to touch her still-developing breasts. All Chu Fan needed now was her first kiss and she'd have nothing left to save for her future husband.

She bawled her eyes out while Chu Fan comforted her. He even hugged her and placed her head on his lap. This only served to make her cry for much longer and louder.

After a long while, she stopped crying and rubbed her sore eyes.

Sniffling, she turned towards Chu Fan and pouted.

"Damn insolent pervert. Take responsibility."

Chu Fan didn't understand what she said at first. It took him a second but the moment he understood, he looked like a deer in front of headlights.

She had given up. If they were truly destined to be husband and wife, she was willing to accept Chu Fan as her husband. He had already benefited so much from her tragedies.

She didn't hate Chu Fan at all. She knew he was a carefree spirit, but she wanted a heroic and upstanding hero for a husband. To put it frankly, she was underestimating Chu Fan like everybody else.

She reached over to grab his head and pull it towards hers. She kissed him with her eyes closed. Chu Fan though was still in shock and kept his eyes open.

The moment their lips touched, their was a huge downpour of rain that fell around the gazebo.

It almost seemed like the heavens themselves were crying. Now whether they be tears of happiness or grief, the world will know within due time.