Papa Don't Preach!

The Skyward Sword Sect Chief had been up all night worrying about his daughter. He had kept her under surveillance ever since he heard rumors about her sleepwalking. Getting news that she had snuck out of her room in the middle of the night to go and visit a boy; his heart raced as he saw his daughter's innocence and reputation dirtied.

In rushed a disciple who knelt before the sect chief.

"Reporting to Sect Chief, young mistress Hun Lian and Chu Fan have exited the cafeteria and have been seen heading this way holding hands."

A fire lit in the sect chief's eyes as his killing intent surged. It poured into the surrounding area, making the pressure in the room unbearable for the messenger disciple.

"This disciple shall take his leave now."

And he stepped out drenched in sweat and gasping for air.

"Phew! If I had stayed any longer, the sect chief might have punished me just for giving him this unsettling piece of news."

Just as he was walking away, he noticed that two children were approaching the sect chief's room.

*Knock* *Knock*

He shook his head and sighed.

"Good luck junior disciple Chu Fan. You'll need it."

The doors swung open and the person welcoming the two children was a lady who was very happy to see the children.

"Hun Lian, Chu Fan, what brings you here this early in the morning?"


Hun Lian was silenced as soon as she tried to mutter a word.

"To answer Madame, Hun Lian woke up early to have me teach her how to cook. To repay you, her parents, as well as show her filial piety; she has cooked for you today."

Chu Fan grabbed the two plates of food and placed them on the table.

"Ah, have you had breakfast yet Chu Fan. Would you like to join us today?"

He waved his hands but before he could speak, he was interrupted.

"Chu Fan I have a message for you to relay to Hallmaster Chen Si. Stay and I'll give them to you after breakfast."

Everyone turned to see who was speaking and it was a figure standing behind the door.

The Sect Chief emerged from the shadows with a smile on his face. He walked over to Hun Lian and pinched her by the cheeks.

"Aiyoo! My little daughter has grown up so much. This old man is so impressed by his loving daughter. Go wash your face and get dressed so we can have breakfast together. Your mother and I shall keep Chu Fan company while you go."

"Nnn!" she said while nodding her head.

She exited her parents room and headed for her own room shutting the doors behind her as she left.

A moment of awkwardness was present as the sect chief was currently glaring at Chu Fan, who dared not make eye contact. The Hun Xiao's wife would only smile at Chu Fan making him blush at the attention this beautiful woman was giving him.

He sat himself at the table with his front facing the door. He nervously poured himself a cup of water and drank it. As he drank, Su Yin sat herself at his left side, just watching him.

"Hehe! So, Chu Fan, what do you think of our Hun Lian?" asked Su Yin with a grin.


Chu Fan almost choked on the sip of water in his mouth.

"Ahem! I think Hun Lian is a very lovable girl. She is worthy of being the sect's daughter. She is a very talented girl."

"Hm! Well said! My little angel is truly lovable and talented. No man is worthy of her, and they shall never be." the sect chief harrumphed.

"What you say is true Chu Fan. But her stubbornness and naivety could be her downfall. I fear that others will take advantage of her. Chu Fan, can I entrust you to look after our daughter for us?"

Chu Fan was left speechless. He started to scratch his head nervously.

"Hehe! Madame, when you put it that way it sounds like you are proposing marriage."

"Pfft! Stop dreaming! I won't hand my daughter off to a mere chef! Learn your place! I already said that no men are worthy of my little angel."

The sect chief was infuriated. It was like a father-in-law trying to find fault in their son-in-law; he antagonized Chu Fan's every words.

"Ahem! And if I was proposing marriage? Would you accept or refuse Chu Fan?"

Chu Fan's eyes widened. He looked at Su Yin to see that she was very serious in her questioning.

"Yin'er! You aren't seriously considering this little fatty are you?"

Sensing the serious tone in her voice, Hun Xiao began to panic. He put up a scary bravado in front of the disciples, but this didn't work for his wife and daughter. When it came to them, he was nothing but a pushover who doted on his wife and daughter.

"Ignore this man, answer my question honestly Chu Fan. Would you accept my daughter or not?"

"I-I d-"


The doors opened and Hun Lian could be seen smiling from ear to ear.

"Mom! Dad! I'm ready for breakfast! Just wait until you try my dish I personally cooked for you two."

She walked over and sat in the seat between her mother and Chu Fan. Her father eyes lost a bit of the life in them as she chose to sit to another man other than himself. But he quickly recovered when he thought of the food she personally cooked.

"Hahaha! This old man can't wait to try the food that my little angel has personally cooked for him."

Shortly after Hun Lian came in, a puppet entered the room carrying food for four people.

The sect chief had already placed orders for the food the moment they arrived. They had already planned on inviting Chu Fan to breakfast before the two had arrived.

"Look my little angel, I ordered your favorite: Vermilion Hen Porridge."

Hun Lian smiled and her eyes widened as the bowl of rice porridge was placed in front of her.

"Wah! Thank you father!"

After the puppet was done setting up the table, it bowed and ran off back to the cafeteria.

Su Yin looked around and motioned her hands.

"Dig in everybody."

They all began eating, Chu Fan looked around at the small family eating his food that he created and he smiled. It warmed his heart to see people enjoying his food.

"MMM! Hun Lian, you have really outdone yourself. I didn't know that we had a culinary genius in our household. Your mother never cooks this good, if the cafeteria is ever closed, we'll have you cook."

"Dear, you know I don't cook. I don't know how a kitchen knife works, but I can show you how a sword works. Would you like a demonstration?"

Hun Xiao shrunk back almost falling off his chair.

"I was kidding, I was kidding. You know I love you unconditionally."


Chu Fan almost choked on his food. This was the first time he had seen the sect chief so afraid. He was laughing internally.

"Father. Mother. It was with the help and teachings of Chu Fan that I was able to cook this for you."

"Oh? Then we'll have to trouble Chu Fan to continue teaching our daughter to cook in the future. Maybe in the future she will make a very good wife."

Hun Lian washed down her bowl of porridge with a cup of water.

"Speaking of which, I have already decided who my future husband will be."

*dink* Everyone dropped their chopsticks. The room fell deathly silent and everyone's eyes fell on Hun Lian.

"What are you talking about Hun Lian?"

"Who are you talking about?"

Hun Lian took a quick glance at Chu Fan and blushed. She got embarrassed and immediately looked at the floor.

"Father, I am pregnant."

The two parents turned to stare intensely at Chu Fan. He only sat still, any sudden movements could end in instant death. He held his breath as he began to profusely sweat.

"What did you the two of you do last night?"

Hun Xiao was too angered to mutter a word, his eyes were bloodshot and fixated on Chu Fan. The only one who could remain calm enough to speak was Su Yin.

"I had a nightmare about Chu Fan and went to check on him. When I was next to his bed, he pulled me onto his bed. We slept besides one another. If I remember correctly, father told me that I should be careful not to sleep next to a boy as it could make me have a baby."

*Pa* A crisp slap sounded out.

Chu Fan ducked and held his cheeks in his hands. But he didn't feel any stinging sensation. He got up and looked around to see that Hun Xiao was in a corner rubbing the back of his head while trying not to cry.

"Hahaha! Hun Lian, that is not how a baby is made. I'll explain to you later. Your father has misinformed you."

"So I don't need to marry Chu Fan anymore?"

Chu Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, Hun Lian. You are not obligated to marry me. Besides, I am no man like Zhu Zhong. I am unworthy."

"Hun Lian, you can marry anyone you want to. You don't have to, but do you want to?"

Hun Lian thought for a while and nodded her head in agreement.

"Why? My little angel, I can find you the perfect husband with my approval."

"Papa don't preach! I am in love, deep! The dream I had was about losing Chu Fan. I didn't know what I had until I lost it. And if I have the chance to now, I'll take it. And I'll cherish my tubby for now and always."

Hun Xiao was stunned silent. His daughter was really like her mother. In the past, Su Yin was the one to court him and propose. He never expected his daughter to find herself a husband in the same fashion.

Chu Fan was stunned silent also. He never thought that someone would care for him or like him in this way. His eyes were red and watery.

"Well said my daughter. Very well, your engagement will be put off until you are eighteen. I hope you can wait that long."

Hun Lian nodded and looked at Chu Fan who also nodded.

Chu Fan noticed what time it was and turned to Hun Xiao.

"Right. Sect Chief, what message did you want to relay to Hallmaster Chen Si. It is about time I go and offer him my greetings."

Hun Xiao sniffled and wiped his runny nose.

"Just two words: Good Luck!"