Thank You Little Cupid

A month went by after that day and news of the two hallmasters coming together as a couple spread like wildfire. Such news was even bigger than when Chu Fan fought off the two assassin's from the Lunar Fox Gang.

Rumors had already gone out that the two hallmasters were engaged and hold their wedding after the inter-sect competition the following year. Apparently they planned to do the same thing that their two direct disciples had agreed upon.

In the month that had passed, Chu Fan had diligently cultivated day and night. He never missed a day of class either. And at night he review and edit a certain crystal containing certain classified footage. He had been saving the footage for when his fellow disciples of his class returned; at that time they would enjoy the memory of that certain day together.

He tended to the branch that he had planted and it began to sprout. It started to transform into the shape of a small child, with its eyes closed. He had plans of growing his very own treant and frost plums in the future. With the books he acquired from his royal brother-in-laws, he had sufficient knowledge on how to grow and care for this treant.

The student of Forest Peak began to return one by one. The first to return was Da Bao; he brought back many new magic treasures and blueprints. The second to return was Tian Han; he brought back various books, both intellectual and perverse in nature. Chu Fan would be there every time to greet his fellow disciples with a smile, eventually others joined him in his greetings and the platform was always full of joy and laughter.

Everyone had returned before the fifteenth of the month with Yao Lingyan as an exception. "He" was the last to arrive.

Yao Lingyan was so happy when she arrived that she leapt into the arms of Chu Fan. He spun her around, happy as could be. The two had forgotten how the others viewed them, they could only awkwardly laugh off their sudden display of affection.

"Hahaha, these two. How come you only show Chu Fan this much brotherly love?" teased Tian Han before patting Yao Lingyan on the shoulder.

"Hahaha!" they all laughed. In fact they had all wanted to act friendly with the stern-faced Yao Lingyan. The only one that "he" would lower "his" defensive glare around was Chu Fan.

Chu Fan motioned with his hands, "Go on!"

Yao Lingyan smiled and nodded. She began giving high fives and handshakes to all her fellow disciples. Next she showed her spatial storage ring and waved her hand forward, making objects fly out of the storage ring.

She was the one who brought back the most gifts with her for all her fellow disciples. Almost everyone got a gift except Chu Fan, who didn't mind. Why would he care about the spare change when he found the piggy bank?

Chu Fan chose to celebrate everyone's return to the sect with a banquet. The fellow disciples were giddy with excitement and anticipation. They couldn't wait to hear Chu Fan's news about their hallmaster. Shortly after arriving, they had all heard about the hottest rumor buzzing around the sect and wanted to hear of it all from the "Little Cupid" himself.

As usual, Chu Fan had arranged everything to happen at night, after classes were all over with and everyone was able to have fun. He made a large number of snacks and fruit flavored drinks for everybody.

They played a number of games and talked about what each other did while at home visiting. Some bragged about their breakthroughs and progression in cultivation, while some bragged about their new armor, weapons, or charms. Some were lucky enough to have become engaged while others merely had summer flings.

The night was coming to an end and the main event of the night was nearing. The student began cheering.

"Chu Fan! Tell us the story in detail!"

"Yeah, we want specifics Chu Fan!"

"How did our hallmaster do it? Was he forceful or poetic?"

Chu Fan got up on his makeshift stage and bowed.

"Hello everyone and thank you for coming to this joyous event. I believe we have come to the main event of the night. I am sure that everyone present would like an explanation or story of how our most-respected and cherished hallmaster conquered the woman of his dreams. But why should I waste words and over exaggerate the truth?"

He pulled out a crystal and caressed it as if he held the most precious and fragile gemstone in existence. He began to rub it as if it were a magical lantern capable of granting wishes.

He formed a hand seal with his left hand and pointed at the stone. It began to levitate and glow.


A light shot out and soon the whole room transformed. All the disciples seem to have transported to the very night of the dinner in question.

They all saw the Hallmaster Chen Si's face and cheered.

"Hey, that's hallmaster Chen Si!"

"Hooray for you Hallmaster!"

"Look there's Forest Peak's Hallmaster Bu Fu!"

"Go for it Hallmaster! We're rooting for you!"

Yao Lingyan was beginning to get irritated. It was understandable, one would not like a commotion when watching their favorite show.

"Shut up! Just watch! I can't hear what their talking about!"

The crowd immediately went silent, because they too wanted to hear what was going on.

The disciples all silently began to watch and listen to their Hallmaster romance.

Eventually sniffles could be heard as they heard the two hallmasters discussing their broken hearts.

"Our pitiful hallmaster. Of course he would be afraid of love. It comes at the most inconvenient of times and it drives the most fearless of heroes into mad men."

"Poor Hallmaster Bu Fu. She waited all those years to hear three simple words!"

They all took their sides but they all agreed that these two souls were really meant for one another.

In the end, all the disciples were reduced to crying children also. Following the end credits to the short film giving all credit to Chu Fan and some to the two direct disciples who helped him in some places, he returned to the stage to retrieve the crystal.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

The disciples began applauding Chu Fan and cheering.

"Woooh! Thank you Little Cupid."

"Yeah, this wouldn't have happened without you!"

Chu Fan quickly bowed and exited the stage where he was lifted up and paraded through the crowd of students.

While being thrown in the air, he noticed two figures at the door. One was an elderly man while the other was a little girl.

The man was none other than Hallmaster Chen Si who was smiling from ear to ear, the aura he was emitting felt different from his smile though. No one else felt this chilling aura though, because it was all directed at Chu Fan.

The other person was none other than Hun Lian. She had heard of the banquet that she was not invited to and asked Hallmaster Chen Si what the event was about. Curious as to why Chu Fan didn't invite Hun Lian, he took her to personally ask for a reason. To his surprise, he arrived as the students were cheering on the projection of himself.

"Congratulations Uncle Chen Si! You and Auntie Bu Fu make a really nice couple. Does this mean I can expect some little cousins in the future?"

Hallmaster Chen Si could only smile and scream internally with his eyebrows twitching.

The disciples began to look in the direction Chu Fan was looking at and get more excited.

"Hooray for Hallmaster Chen Si!"

"Congratulations! Hallmaster Chen Si! Have you come to give out red packets?"

"Hallmaster Chen Si, when is the wedding? Can I invite my family"

"I hope we can keep a record your wedding day also. Chu Fan did an especially good job with his editing."

The disciples all began to group around and have a parade. Hallmaster Chen Si smiled and had a good time. But in a corner, Chu Fan was scratching his head, looking for a good explanation for his actions.


A palm laid rest on his shoulders and his heart dropped. Chu Fan turned around to see the very serious face of Hallmaster Chen Si.

"Chu Fan, when did you have the time to record such an intimate conversation between me and my mi- I mean Hallmaster Bu Fu."

Chu Fan got on his knees and began to kowtow.

"It's not what you are thinking Hallmaster Chen Si. I had no intention of making fun of you. I merely wanted to share such a joyous scene to my fellow disciples who want the very best for you."

"Bwahaha! Chu Fan, you must give me a copy of this. I want to keep that memory forever."

Chu Fan looked up at Hallmaster Chen Si who was all laughs and smiles. He had been tricked by Hallmaster Chen Si. He got up and dusted himself off.

"Hallmaster Chen Si, you must not joke like that. I thought you were going to kill me. But you did get me good. Haha!"

Hallmaster Chen Si patted him down.

"I did get you good. Now never do this ever again. I have an image to uphold. Can I hold you up to this promise."

Chu Fan put three fingers up.

"Shall I go back on my promise, I shall be struck by tribulation lightning."


Lightning struck near the building, missing it slightly. It hit a small budding tree near the cafeteria, causing it to tremble for a short moment before returning to its peaceful state.

Hallmaster Chen Si was stunned and looked at Chu Fan.

"Oh look! We've run out of refreshments! Excuse me Hallmaster Chen Si!"

Chu Fan could only chuckle and run off into the crowd of students after bowing.

Hallmaster Chen Si could only shake his head and smile, the little fatty could not be stopped.

Chu Fan got out of the crowd and entered the kitchen. He began refilling the snacks and refreshments.

"Would you like some help with that?" sounded a feminine voice.

He looked over his shoulder and saw that it was Yao Lingyan.

"Yes! Thanks!"

The two began working together and talking.

"It's been so long. What happened in the month that I returned to the sect?"

Chu Fan was truly curious as to what kept Yao Lingyan so long, considering she was so hesitant to let him return early, he had expected her to be the first to return. But she was the last to return.

"Grandfather came out of his closed-door cultivation. He made a breakthrough. He also said that he wants to meet the man worthy of calling himself the royal son-in-law of the Kingdom of Glacier Falls."

Chu Fan got goosebumps at the mention of Yao Lingyan's grandfather wanting to meet him. He was nothing more than an ant compared to the pillar of a nation that had just achieved a breakthrough in cultivation.

"I'll have to work harder to impress grandfather then, wont I?"

Yao Lingyan nodded in agreement.

"Yes, especially because he'll be making an appearance at next year's inter-sect competition. He hopes that you'll place high."

Chu Fan began to sweat as he was nervous.

"What's wrong? Are you getting sick? Did you not get enough sleep this past month?"

She walked over and placed her forehead on his, making him blush.

"What are you doing Yao Lingyan? What if someone is watching?"

"It's fine, besides, everyone is too happy celebrating with Hallmaster Chen Si."


From the direction of the door, a ceramic cup broke. The person who dropped it was Hun Lian.

"What are you doing with my tubby?"