The Myth

Chu was lead into a private room that Vault Keeper Wang lived in.

"Please sit disciple Chu Fan while I go fetch the tea."

Chu Fan walked over to the table and seated himself. He started humming and looking around while he waited.

It felt comfy as their were windows that allowed for fresh air and sunlight to enter. The view from this room was also very pleasant as it allowed one to bask in the sunset, yet plain in decoration. His room lacked a lot of the things that Chu Fan expected to see. There were no paintings, no instruments, and no shelves full of books. All Vault Keeper Wang had was a table and two chairs, his bed and some. Such a master had no need for mundane fancy knick-knacks and furniture, he had all he needed to live as a minimalist and he was content living like so.

Vault Keeper Wang was currently brewing tea for Chu Fan and himself in his kitchen connected to his living space.

He grabbed various dried leaves and dried fruit peels and threw them into a pot. Chu Fan was quite excited to have tea with such an elder.

"Elder Wang, what sort of tea are you brewing?"

Vault Keeper Wang said nothing, only looking up at the impatient twelve year old child sitting at the table. He shook his head at the energetic kid and merely sighed.

The smell of citrus soon began to diffuse in the air and waft about, tickling Chu Fan's nose. His eyes lit and he got excited. He thought that he had hit the jackpot and been lucky enough to drink an elixir brewed by an elder.

"Surely, this must be some magical blend of Fruit Tea." he thought to himself.

He grew restless as Vault Keeper Wang walked over with the earthen pot full of tea and two cups. Vault Keeper Wang sat down and poured him a cup of tea.

"Be careful it's still hot. Now, let me see that knife of yours again."

Chu Fan presented his Heaven Cleaver once more for Vault Keeper Wang to closer inspect.

"Ah, here you are."

While the other party was immersed in the intricate and mystical design of the knife before him, Chu Fan happily sipped away at the tea in front of him.

"Elder Wang, what kind of fruit have you used in this tea here?"

Vault Keeper Wang didn't even look at the person speaking to him. His gaze was fixed on the knife, it's cold gleam pulling him into a trance.

"It's just jasmine tea with some dried orange peels I had lying around. Why does he act as if he's drinking the Nectar of the Gods."

Chu Fan choked on his cup of tea. Finding out that this was just common tea, made him a little disappointed.

"You idiot, drink it slowly. I can't have you choking to death over tea. Others will blame me of having poisoned you. You are simply too young and weak to be drinking such strong teas full of spiritual herbs. Besides, I don't even have such high quality tea leaves here as I seldom drink or have guests."

This old fogey was really a loner in many aspects. Chu Fan looked at him with pity, Vault Keeper Wang really did need a friend.

Vault Keeper Wang got up and swung the Heaven Cleaver around a bit and nodded. He turned around and placed the sword next to Chu Fan, returning the blade to its owner.

"Not bad. Chu Fan, this knife has accepted you as it's master. It gives off the same aura as you do. Now, how did you come upon this knife?"

Chu Fan shrugged his shoulders and explained to Vault Keeper Wang. He knew that it was not a great idea to lie about such an important matter to an elder of his sect, especially because he had no actual power to put up any resistance. He told Vault Keeper Wang about how he had found the Heaven Cleaver in the storage shed.

Hearing Chu Fan explain, the light in Vault Keeper Wang's eyes lit as his curiosity over such matter was piqued. Remembering something from his youth, something snapped inside of him and he jumped out of his chair as happy as a child.

"Hahaha! After all this time. So the myth is actually real. What an interesting discovery? But we must never let anyone know of this."

Chu Fan looked over at Vault Keeper Wang with a confused expression. He scratched his head as he thought back on his explanation.

"Myth? What are you so excited about Elder Wang?"

Vault Keeper Wang regained his composure and stood up straight.

"Ahem! I am going to tell you a story Chu Fan. Are you willing to listen to the ramblings of this old man?"

Chu Fan didn't know how to respond, so all he did was nod in agreement.

"Good! Over a thousand years ago, the Skyward Sword Sect was home to countless heroes of the world. In the sect, a little half-demon boy grew up a slave to the sect. He was confined to the sect grounds, more specifically the Cafeteria. Day in and out, he was tormented by the disciples of the sect. But he endured it all, holding all grudges in his heart. He lived for the day that he was able to repay the days of torture that the disciples had given him."

Chu Fan was very surprised that such a righteous sect would allow its students to be so cruel. Vault Keeper Wang continued with his story.

"This little half-demon would go on to receive a cultivation slip from the sect chief's daughter out of pity. As the years went by and the little demon boy grew older, so did his feelings for the sect chief's daughter whose feelings were mutual. When he had fully mastered the cultivation manual that was gifted to him, he showed his true colors as a genius. He was banished from the sect for having adulterous relations with the sect chief's daughter and left to explore the world."

"What? That's a pretty big scandal there."

"In the mundane world of cultivators, he made a name for himself, earning the nickname 'Divine Demon Butcher.' His cleaver was swifter than any blade, and deadlier than the sharpest spear. Years later he would return to the sect as he reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage. He had unfinished business in the mortal world. He would go on to spare the lives of Skyward Sword Sect upon seeing a faint trace of his bloodline in a boy that was willing to give his life for the sect. With his hatred gone, he was rumored to have left a treasure somewhere in the sect after paying his respects and leaving."

It was all coming together now. This half-demon boy was the self-proclaimed God of Cookery. To other's he was called the Divine Demon Butcher.

"Ah, so with time his story was forgotten and cast aside as a myth?"

Vault Keeper Wang nodded at Chu Fan.

"He was stricken from the sect records and his story cast off as a mere rumor and myth. With time, it was forgotten altogether. Only us elders would recognize this Heaven Cleaver of yours now. It would seem that you are fated with this it. Do not despair, this old man has no need for this knife as it deems you to be it's master."

Chu Fan picked up his knife and brandished it. In his mind he began to think man things.

"Heaven Cleaver, is the story this man tells the truth?"

"I don't know much of the old master's origins, but I do remember coming to this sect. Usually the old master would have brandished me and cut his foes down in a flash, but he hesitated upon meeting a child bearing his bloodline. I would say that this old man is more or less 70% accurate about the story."

Chu Fan drew his mind back and looked at Vault Keeper Wang with amazement.

"So Hun Lian is related to this Divine Demon Butcher man?"

Vault Keeper Wang nodded lightly and motioned his index finger to his mouth.

"You must never speak a word of this story to anyone though. Lest you be seeking death."

Vault Keeper Wang motioned his hands like an axe, swiping at an angle. Chu Fan gulped in fear that his words may lead him to his death. He would have to make sure to never mention this to Hun Lian or others.


Chu Fan nodded and placed his Heaven Cleaver back onto his right hand wrist as a bracelet.

"Vault Keeper Wang, should we be heading back now?"

Vault Keeper Wang looked around and noticed that the two of them had been chatting for quite a while. It was nearing sunset now.

"Yes, let's go back."

The two headed out together and rejoined the group of students who were cultivating as they waited. The disciples who had chosen their weapons and weapon cultivation manuals were impatiently waiting to see if Vault Keeper Wang approved of their choices.

Chu Fan re-entered the line of disciples and began chatting with his fellow disciples.

"Chu Fan, what did the two of you talk about? You took so long."

"Right, we've been waiting for over an incense stick's worth of time. What were you doing in there?"

"Chu Fan, he didn't do anything weird to you did he?"

"You're not hurt anywhere are you?"

Chu Fan shook his head.

"It's a secret between me and Vault Keeper Wang. I can't tell any of you, or I'll get in trouble."

Da Bao, Tian Han, Yao Lingyan, and Hun Lian all looked at each other with a funny look on their faces. Chu Fan noticed this and immediately understood what they were insinuating.

"Hey! I'll have you know that Vault Keeper Wang could never lay a finger on me if he wanted to. I am smart enough to look after myself."

While he was talking aloud, the others began backing up.


Chu Fan had been smacked in the head from behind. He knelt down and rubbed the sore spot on his head that seemed to be swelling a little.

"Ow! Who hit me?"

He turned around and noticed deathly stare aimed at him. It was Vault Keeper Wang. He had been eavesdropping on their conversation this whole time and was a bit irritated by Chu Fan's claims.

"Maybe in another century, you might be able to block my first blow. But every other blow after that will be more ruthless."

"Hehe, I'll go be silent somewhere else then."

Vault Master Wang went back to seeing what the disciples selected and docked the appropriate amount of sect points from their respective accounts. Getting a weapon and manual from the sect was equivalent to buying a palanquin utilizing a pre-approved loan from a bank; the students would make monthly payments until the loan was paid off. Only then were they able to truly call those weapons and skills their own.

Chu Fan chose to sit on the side and cultivate silently while the others got their selections approved. At some point, someone poked him on the forehead. He opened his eyes to see Hun Lian's face very close to his own. This made him fall back, laying him down flat on his back.

"Chu Fan do you want to see the weapon, grandfather has chosen for me?"

Chu Fan got up and dusted himself off.

"Okay, show me what you got."


Something sharp flew past his face and encircled him. With his eyes, he made a faint layout of a ring-like object.

"A hoop? Your grandfather gave you a hoop?"

The flying "hoop" flew back into Hun Lian's grasp. Only when it was in her hands did Chu Fan actually realize what it was. She held a chakram in her hands: it was the same size as she was. One could tell that whichever master that had forged it poured their life essence into such a weapon. It was golden in color and it's blade was sharp and cold. Etched into it were various runes of a jade color., showing the complexities of it's creation.

"It's called the Gold-Crescent Chakram, it appears at my every call. Grandfather had it made especially for me. Neat, right?"

Chu Fan nodded and in the back of his head, he felt a bit of envy. If only he had been born into a family whose resources were virtually limitless.

He stood up and patted her on the head. This action stunned many of the disciples that were present.

"Chu Fan is so brave as to be openly intimate with the Sect Chief's precious daughter? What gall?"

"When did they become so close?"

"I don't know? This confuses me also."

"Didn't he slap her across the face when they first met? But then he went on to save her from those two Lunar Fox Gang kidnappers."

All the students began gossiping and discussing amongst themselves.

"Get your filthy hands off our young mistress!"

Immediately, a group of girls arrived at the entrance of the vault. They had been outside watching for a while now. They were Hun Lian's biggest fans and bodyguards responsible for watching her from the shadows. They had gotten fed up and suspicious as to what kind of relation Hun Lian had with Chu Fan.

"Junior Chu Fan, I know not what sorcery you have placed the young mistress under, but you unhand her this instant."

Chu Fan retracted his hands and backed away. This group of seniors were comprised of mainly inner-sect disciples who were female. Any man getting too close to Hun Lian was surely just a loli-minded pervert.

Hun Lian began huffing and panting as her group of guards had interrupted her happy moment of praise form Chu Fan.

"You- You mean idiots. Chu Fan would never need black magic to make me feel the way that I do. Just go back to watching from far away as father ordered."

All the guards knelt down.

"Young Mistress, we only have good intentions here. Surely, this Chu Fan has suspicious intentions. Just look at him, he's so unsightly and unfitting of your image. He is unworthy in all aspects. Please reconsider your choice."

A fire lit in Chu Fan's eyes. He could stand people belittling him because that didn't matter to him. But seeing these fans of "his precious" question her decision and tell her what she could and couldn't like, this angered him very much.

In the minds and eyes of such obsessed fans, their idols/celebrities were not humans. In their warped illusion, they could not even trust their idol/celebrity to select people that they deemed as "worthy". They were only perfect human beings that could only love other perfect beings. They lacked the empathy and compassion to see heartbreak an idol/celebrity might feel if they were forbidden from freely loving whoever they wanted.

Chu Fan saw this as an opportunity to teach these fans a lesson in life: though they may seem to be from another world other than our own, they are in fact no different from the average person, capable of making their own choices.

In a flash, he arrived in front of his senior disciple who looked to be the leader of the group, she was the one doing all the talking. He raised his hand high in the air and swung as fast as he could.

"Huh!?" everyone stated. All the disciples including Duan Mu were all surprised by Chu Fan's actions.

As he swung, he felt his hand stop in midair. Chu Fan looked over his shoulder and saw that Vault Keeper Wang was holding his hand. Vault Keeper Wang tossed Chu Fan's hands aside, making Chu Fan stumble back a bit from the force.

"There is to be no fighting in the Sect Vault. If you want to have a dispute, settle it at the dueling grounds."

Chu Fan pointed at his senior inner-sect disciple with contempt in his eyes.

"I, Chu Fan, challenge this senior disciple to a duel. I shall make you eat your own words."

The senior disciple stood up and bowed.

"I'd like to see you try. I, Yi Mo Chou humbly accept."