I Have No Father

Chu Fan placed hand over his heart and felt his erratic pulse.

"Disciple Chu Fan understands. What matter have I been brought before the Elders today?"

"Stop being coy, what is your relation to the Divine Demon Butcher?" asked one of elders.

Chu Fan stood his ground and replied, "The two direct disciples that were assigned to watch me, I have already told them all of what I know. Why must I repeat myself so many times?"

"You dare show no respect? We are the elders of this sect. I wouldn't even need to move a finger and I could kill you where you stand." bellowed another elder.

Chu Fan harrumphed and started laughing.

"And you would dare kill a 12 year old child in the Hall of Elders? Are you not afraid that your reputation would be tainted by the fact that a room full of elders was needed to bully and take the life of a mere foundation establishment kid? Will the public not spread such rumors?"

The elders all began discussing amongst themselves in transmitted voices, so that Chu Fan could not hear their secret talk. All he saw were nodding heads and elders waving their hands about. He took pleasure in this as it seemed the elders were currently arguing in sign language; some even started pointing their pinkies at the amused child.

"What are you smiling at?" yelled one of the elders, breaking the silence.

"Chu Fan, the things that you have told me and the things that the others have heard are totally different. Would you please be so kind as to elaborate over the discrepancies in your story?" asked Vault Keeper Wang.

"Since Elder Wang has kindly asked of me to do so, then I shall have to oblige and elaborate."

Chu Fan was now serious. Vault Keeper Wang had been the only one who spoke with respect towards Chu Fan, therefore it was deserving that he gave Vault Keeper Wang the same amount of respect.

Chu Fan began telling his side of the story, for the umpteenth time. He told the story of how his master was a wondering immortal chef who taught him cooking and a bit of martial arts, to how he stumbled upon his master's inheritance. It was all merely a coincidence, almost too good to be true.

*Bam* An elder slammed his palm of his stone desk, shattering it to dust and rubble.

"This sounds almost too convenient. How come, that despite not having any knowledge of the Divine Demon Butcher's past with the sect, you have entered the sect as the head chef and found his thousands of years old inheritance while dispelling the curse of the cafeteria;that he most likely placed. If you were not sent to this sect with a purpose, then why would all these things be so questionable?"

Chu Fan pointed his index finger into the air not saying a word. He was building tension for his answer.

"Simple. It's my fate. He and I have a unspeakable connection to one another."

"Then, you should know of where he is currently, right?" asked another elder.

Chu Fan shook his head.

"Should the right time come, he will present himself. Besides, why are you all so obsessed with this Divine Demon Butcher? Who is he to you? A father?"

Su Chow began laughing like a crazed man. The whole time that Chu Fan had been talking with the elders, Su Chow had remained quiet and calm like a statue amidst the chaos.

"Hahahahaha! What would he know about being a father? He is not worthy of being a father."

The other elders began standing and bowing to Su Chow.

"Former Sect Chief Su Chow, calm down. The words of a child should not be taken seriously."

Chu Fan's eyes lit up.

"Oh, so he is your father, Elder S-."

Before Chu Fan could finish his sentence, Former Sect Chief Su Chow had appeared before him like a phantom; grabbing him by the collar and lifting him into the air.

"That man is not my father. I have no father. He used my mother and left her with a damaged reputation. 'We' suffered so much humiliation because of him. 'I' was shunned by the sect as an impure being. It was with my own hands and feet that I came to earn the position of Sect Chief from my grandfather."

Gasping for air, Chu Fan was able to mutter some words.

"But, you never understood the circumstances. Hng! How could.... a half-demon being like him be allowed to be with your mother in peace. What... what about his part of the story? Did you never ask your mother either?"

Su Chow dropped the boy and turned away, tears of anguish blurring his vision.

"Shut up! What would you know? Every time I mentioned the words 'father', my mother's face saddened; so I never asked. And throughout my life he never chose to make an appearance until news of my mother's death spread. The sect held a grand funeral in her honor and many heroes from the various sects came in order to garner some favor from me, I grinned and bore with it until 'he' showed up. That man and his fake honor, coming to pay his last respects. I threw him out and he put up no fuss like the coward he always had been."

Chu Fan was still catching his breath as he struggled back to his feet. Hallmaster Chen Si almost came rushing over, but he feared the consequences of his actions and eventually went back into his corner as a spectator.

"You blockhead! You really are no different from your dunce of a grand-daughter. Do you really think that he, one rogue cultivator, would be able to fight off the entire sect to run off with your mother and you? And even if he was successful in doing so, how long would the days of your peaceful family life have lasted before the sect found you?"

Su Chow stood silently sobbing like a child. He and Hun Lian were identical in nature, putting up a big fuss without thinking of the whole situation. Chu Fan walked up to the sobbing man, who we must not forget is over a thousand years old, and held his hands. The elders were too afraid to speak, was this really happening before them. They had never seen such a heroic figure like the former sect chief in such a pitiful state. How was this child able to lecture such a person, what state of insight had Chu Fan achieved in the past? The hallmasters and Su Yin were even worst, their mouths hung as if their souls had departed, leaving their bodies as mere husks.

"But at the end of the day, he will still be your father. No matter how much you hate him, you are the byproduct of the mutual love your parents had for one another. Without him, there is no you."

Su Chow looked at the child holding his hands like a saint.

"Well, what do I do the next time I see him?"

Chu Fan shook his head. The elders were all flabbergasted as they watched the most powerful amongst them seeking advice from such a young brat, they all stood petrified.

"Talk, hear his story and you can decide what to do from there."

Su Chow then smiled and twirled Chu Fan about in the air, making him very dizzy and nauseous. He stopped after a few seconds, and placed him back down on the ground. Chu Fan was too dizzy to remain standing and simply sat on the ground, counting the many stars within his vision. Su Chow disappeared from where he was and reappeared at his desk and sat down.

"This disciple, what else has he done for the sect besides withholding information about his previous master?"

Hallmaster Chen Si walked from out of the shadows and bowed before the elders.

"This humble hallmaster reports that Chu Fan has done meritorious deeds ever since he entered the sect. He has in fact fought off members of the Lunar Fox Gang and saved Su Yin's daughter from the would be kidnappers. In doing so, Chu Fan received life-threatening injuries that would not have allowed him to continue cultivating; but his will to live and cultivate was strong, and he was able to overcome the hurdle."

Su Chow did not look at Su Yin, but his son-in-law with fiery eyes.

"Is this true Hun Xiao? You allowed Hun Lian to get kidnapped and put a disciple in danger when he had to go and protect your daughter for you? Had Yin'er not chosen you, I would have betrothed her to Chen Si."

Hun Xiao was smiling, but the sweat coming from his head and his teary eyes showed the true fear he had towards his father-in-law.

"Hehe, father, now is not the time to be kidding. Chu Fan just happened to be near Lian'er at the time. But with him around, the sect has become livelier than it has ever been in the past couple of centuries. The food is also tastier than ever and the students from the various peaks seemed to have become friendlier with one another, they even exchange pointers when it comes to cultivation."

Su Yin chimed in also, offering her praise for Chu Fan.

"This child, it seems that Hun Lian has taken a liking to him also. If anything happens to him, Hun Lian would be very upset. You would not want to anger your only granddaughter now, would you?"

Su Chow and Hun Xiao were the same in the way that they loved Hun Lian, they both doted on their little girl like her happiness was their life's purpose.

"Oh, no, no, no! I was only thinking that his punishment be a very light one. Maybe 20 years of isolation for him to self-reflect on his actions."

Seeing this as a good opportunity, the other elders began throwing in their own suggestions on Chu Fan's "light" punishment.

"Give his mouth a little smack also, his mouth is a very brave one that needs to learn humility and respect. I volunteer as the one to smack him."

"A bit of flogging will do him some good. I have a very sturdy Black Steel Oak branch with me today."

"I think acupuncture would work best. My Static Needles should give his body a great 'soothing' massage that will put him to sleep."

Chu Fan almost choked on his breath as he heard 20 years of isolation be considered a light punishment sentence. He raised his hand up high to get everyone's attention and interrupt any other great ideas of punishment.

"Elders, I have a better idea. Well, I would rather call it a wager. Are you willing to accept my proposal?"