
The comprehension and cultivation bases of the three brothers were similar so combining their strength together didn't pose any problems. Designating Malachi as the controller of the Asura, the other two continuously supplied their Spiritual Qi as the Asura and the Thunder Winged Tiger attacked each other.

Clenching its fist made of fire, the air itself distorted from a heatwave as every tree around the area burned into charcoal.


With a defiant roar, lightning surged and encompassed its body, attacking with a downward slash using its paw, both attacks collided, sending lightning and fire throughout the entire forest as both parties flew backward.


The three brothers spat a mouthful of blood as they stood up and wiped the blood on the edge of their lips. Their attack just now struck a crucial weak point of the Thunder Winged Tiger and judging from the feedback, they should've dealt considerable damage to it.