Creation and Investigation

Juliet stared at the ceiling, indulged in her deep thoughts.

Zieve sat beside her with the same expression.

The frowns on their foreheads and the sweat that drenched their clothes indicated the exertion that their thoughts did to them.

On Zieve's right hand was a feather quill pen with the tip dipped in ink.

A table stood before the two. On the table was a canvas paper that mysteriously shone in the darkness.

"How about we keep it simple? I think that simplicity is the best when making a logo." Zieve mumbled and Juliet turned towards him and said, "If we did that, we would be accused as being lazy and slacking. Our logo should be unique, stylish yet simple at the sametime..."

Zieve mulled over Juliet's words before lifting his right hand and drawing on the canvas paper in a breakneck speed. Despite his swift movements, his drawing on the canvas looked delicate and quality remained constant.

"How about this?" Zieve completed the logo and Juliet stared at it with a frown.