To Each their Own

Zieve's experimentation came to an end when his stomach protested. Emerging from his trance, Zieve's figure shook as hunger overwhelmed his mind. His several hours of experimentation took a toll on his mind and body.

Regaining clarity, Zieve stared at the plethora of garbages that laid on his room as a painful expression suffused on his face.

His several hours worth of experiment burned several hundreds of Spirit Stones. An amount that an average disciple could only hope to acquire from years of hard labor.

Kneading his aching temples, he cleaned his room and walked out of the room. Before he could even take a single step outside, he noticed the existence of the tray below him and when his eyes landed on the contents of the tray. His expression turned jubilant.

"Red Braised Pork Belly?!" Zieve exclaimed and his slow and exhausted body transformed into a blur that took the tray from the ground.