Juliet and Natalie

Juliet fell into a state of being and nothingness. Apart from the daggers that she had in her palms. She couldn't feel, speak, nor do anything. She could feel her body trembling from exhaustion yet the thought of merging with the daggers as one kept her going.

Eventually, her perception of everything disappeared and the sensation of weightlessness filled her body, mind and soul. She didn't even feel exhausted anymore. She felt unfettered and free. Like a bird, she spread her wings and soared towards the skies!

A deafening boom reverberated within the Dreamy House's Pavilion as a beam of concentrated Dagger Intent filled the skies and sundered the heavens above. Fortunately, Zieve's formations held on and such a domineering heavenly phenomenon went unnoticed by the commoners and weaker cultivators.