Juliet's Raging Vengeance

A suffocating and sharp sensation enveloped the heavens. Vanadis and Rodger staggered in their movements, their eyes widened in shock when they realized that Juliet was already awake.

Her eyes that shone in infinite coldness pierced through their hearts. Even Vanadis who was at the Divine Soul Realm felt his heart shake in dread. 'What's with this little girl, why do I feel so much fear against her...' He thought and suppressed his trembling body.

Rodger had it worse, not only he kept on shivering like a sieve, he couldn't even get a good grip around his sword as the audible sound of his teeth chattering reverberated amidst the silence.

"Is this really that small and naive girl, Juliet?" Vanadis thought in his mind, hardening his resolve, he lifted his head to stare at the space above Juliet where a faint silhouette of a lone dagger silently floated.