Disregarding Challengers, Seamless Teamwork

Within Dan's palm was a token shining in an incomparable brilliance that illuminated the entire pavilion. Everyone's eyes darted on the source of sudden light and their eyes simultaneously widened in shock when they saw the mark clenched within the former's palm.

"Honorary Disciple Token!?"

"That brat is an Honorary Disciple? Was acquiring an Honorary Disciple Token that easy?!"

"So that's the reason why he walked up to the front with confidence, is he courting his death?"

Murmurs echoed in the area and every Core Disciples' eyes sparkled with dangerous lights. Eyeing Dan in a blatant manner, dozens of Spiritual Energy in the form of threads landed on Dan's body and inspected his cultivation along with his foundation.

[Approach of numerous foreign Spiritual Energies has been detected. Do you want to expel? Y/N]