Battle Royale

The deep stench of earth assaulted the Dan's nostrils. When his eyes snapped open, an incredibly realistic scene of a vast swamp appeared right in front of his eyes. Looking down, dark and sticky mud drenched his feet up until his knees. Incredibly, he had arrived at the center of a vast swamp.

"Natalie? Grace? Vincent?" Dan blankly blurted out and scanned for his surroundings. He found no signs of the three and thought that they must've been transported to a different area within the world of the Thousand Worlds Changing Array.

"Well. with all the training that we did together. It's not like they cannot protect themselves... It's time for me to focus on getting to that top 10." Dan shrugged and threw the matter of searching for the three to the back of his mind. He must get into the top 10 or everything that he had planned so far would go into ruins.