How Shameless of You!

As the zenith of the night arrived, the temperature within the virtual world drastically dropped to the extent that the muddy swamp gradually became a frozen lake. Those in the midst of a battle stopped and stared wide-eyed at the rapid changes that occurred around them.

"What in the actual heavens is going on..."

All disciples sucked mouthfuls of cold air, they wondered if their eyes were playing tricks of them. After all, the changes were so drastic and sudden that they couldn't help but think that they were in an illusion!

But the coldness that slowly engulfed their bodies and their soul were all too real! In an instant, these disciples forgot that they were fighting as they all scrambled away for their lives!

Some disciples who noticed too late stiffened and turned into frozen statues, while some who understood what was going on managed to run faraway enough that they weren't completely engulfed by the coldness that rivaled Absolute Zero.