BSNW CH 000 Prologue-Reincarnation Choice

[Welcome to the God's Plane. You are Dead, Would you like to reincarnate using you Karmic Points?]

The words were floating in front of me in what could only be considered to be a complete void.

"What?" At this point it was the only thing that I could manage to get past my lips in the shock of the situation I found myself in.

[You have been chosen out of all the souls that passed at the moment of your death according to the Book of Life and Death. You have done a great Karmic Act at the moment of your death, that gained you immense amount of Karmic Points to be reincarnated into a special world with Special powers. Lucky You!]

That's when it figuratively hit me, I DIED! It was official I hate terrorists even more than I previously did.


Jun Kokoro

That was this soul's name.

His previous life appeared in his mind like a dream. His father was a soldier in a border security force. His salary was decent because of his high post there. His mother was an ordinary teacher. His life should've been great since he had been born into such a family, but unfortunately, he suffered from extreme weak physique and ADHD. The doctors all said that it would be a miracle if he manages to survive past his teens due to constant diseases he suffered and his inability to stay holed up in a medical care center.

His life was completely meaningless, just breathing eating and surviving on his parent's money was all he did. His life's only joy was his sister, who was an anime fan and loved to chat with him for hours when they met. To pass his boredom he used to write fanfictions about the animes along with his sister. Spending time commenting on various famous anime fanfiction was one of his favourite pastime.

Then one day his doctor told him that his body had started falling apart, his organs failing. He had one year at most. This news shocked him to the core, and he left hospital secretly, wanting to run away from the inevitable. He rode a train to an unknown destination, his future unclear, just wanting to get away.

Suddenly a terrorist hijacked the carriage he was riding in threatening to blow everyone up in a suicide attack. That woke him up from his self-pity, and he found that his carriage had a lot of children from some school and were going to an excursion. Maybe that's why the terrorist chose this carriage.

Complete rage suddenly filled him. He cursed god for his fate, first he was already going to die within a year, and now he didn't even have enough time to live for a day? And if that wasn't enough all these innocent children were going to die because of his shitty fate!! Not on his watch!

Finalising his decision to rebel against fate, Jun tackled the terrorist and jumped of the train with him. Last thing he remembered was a feeling of peace like never before, and the wide eyes of the children he saved, staring at him in shock as he fell of the train with the terrorist.


All Caught up to the present with his memory, Jun was fuming in anger. He didn't want to die, but was forced to because of his fate.

[If you are done reminiscing, pay attention.]

Jun sighed and focussed on the floating words. He had no choice anyway, he was a dead soul with nothing else to do.

[Because of your decision to save those children, you changed the possible future of their deaths into a wide variety of choices for their future. Also impacted by your sacrifice, those children grew up to be virtuous and noble humans that helped other innocent people whenever they could, to repay the favour you did by saving them. This in turn grew up to impact lots and lots of other humans, gaining you enormous amounts of Karmic Points.]

Jun was dumbfounded. This was way beyond what he intended when he saved them.

[Hence, The Book of Life and Death created by God to keep track of Karmic Points, Decided to reward you by granting you a special power and reincarnating you into a world of your choice from all your so called 'animes' you enjoyed. Just FYI, all those anime worlds are real parallel world existences.]

Say what?!! Ok fine, I will choose Naruto World then. It is one of the most popular animes for fanfiction.

[You do realise you are reincarnating, not writing a fanfiction. Anyway, special power to be awarded to you was chosen at random. It will be power of 'The Gamer' from one of the parallel worlds. However its powers have been modified according to the world you will be reincarnating in. In fact if you manage to enter into another world somehow, your power as a gamer will help you adapt. And now, choose which clan or character you want to be born in or as.]

A huge check list of various clans and special characters appeared before Jun.

Location of birth or clan:

Ame no Kuni The country of Amegakure which is lead Hanzo the Salamander and Akatsuki,

this country has been embroiled in a very long civil war.


Mizu no Kuni, the country of Mizugakure where bloodline abilities are persecuted against and hunted to extinction by the

Sandaime Mizukage, currently in a civil war.


Kaminari no Kuni, Home of Kumogakure, one of the more militarized villages of the Great Five Nations,

be ready for cold weather, falling hazards and rapping Junchuriki's, you have been warned


Kaze no Kuni, home of Sunagakure and dominated by a massive desert, the people are hardy and unfazed by the sandstorms

That frequent the area


Tsuchi no Kuni, home of Iwagakure, a hard place to grow things, but somehow people survive in a place where stone rules


Hi no Kuni, home of Konohagakure. A fairly moderate nation when compared to others like Mizu no Kuni. While not a military powerhouse

like others, they are arguably one of the strongest economically due to the sheer size of their territory.






Random Clans extinct and unknown in the original anime

Each choice will have its own perks associated with it, shown at the end of complete selection]

These were the seven choices that caught Jun's eye. Most were small clans and unimportant nations, according to anime, except for these seven choices that seemed special. The Six most famous villages and nations of the anime, and the last random choice that depended on his luck. He was really tempted to pick Konohagakure, since it was the most famous village in the anime, and of course his favourite main characters lived there. But that was exactly the reason why he didn't want to replace any of them. If he gets born as one of characters in Konoha, he might end up replacing one of main characters. After a lot of deliberation, he decided to bet on his luck that gave him this chance. He picked to be incarnated as one of the extinct or unknown clans of the anime.

[Option confirmed. Random assigning of clan. Clan Kigen no chie (Origin wisdom clan) Chosen. Legendary bloodline awakening exists within the clan. 'The Gamer' being combined with the clan bloodline. Awakened legendary bloodline due to special nature of 'The Gamer'. Displaying chosen clan and information of bloodline.]


Name: Jun Kigen

Clan Name:

Kigen no chie Clan

Kekkei Genkai:

Sage Wisdom Eye - Sēji no chie

Words Describing the Clan/Kekkei Genkai:

Permanent Insomniac, Fearless, Determined, Integrated with Nature

Clan/Kekkei Genkai Picture User Image:

Pale Golden Band At the edge of Iris, Unknown Runic/Arcane symbols swirling in the golden band while in active mode

Clan/Kekkei Genkai Description, History:

The Kigen no chie Clan have never been known, they started as farmers and labourers, kept to themselves mostly.

The clan was attacked one day and were said to be extinct, no known members that are still alive have made their appearance Known to the shinobi world, theorized that their bloodline may have already vanished, diluted in time.

Their natural ability to take in nature energy without their knowing, made them close to nature, resulting them choosing

professions like farmer. Ancestors of this clan were prosperous at one time due to their instinctive wisdom about various

Things, and their inborn gifts of being likable by nature and its beings. The only creature not having default goodwill towards They was sadly their own species, humans. They have the ability to grow stronger all their lives, thanks to their unconscious Intake of natural energy that promotes their life span, chakra, and physique. However the fertility rate is low in this clan so

The population of the clan has never surpassed one or two hundred. Have never been involved with shinobi world, so have no idea How to utilise their chakra and nature energy intake speciality. However, have a legend passed through the clan of the child born one in a millennium, with the Wisdom of The Sage. Usually only one can awaken this legendary power in the clan. It is believed that,

While the present owner is there, another one won't be born.


• Dexterity +2 each level

• Strength + 4 ranks

• Immune to poison and mind influence using Genjutsu (Legendary Genjutsu effect like Tsukuyomi can be resisted even if not immune)


• Permanent Insomnia inherited because of inborn closeness to nature, can only rest by deep meditation

• Genjutsu usage impossible

• Healing Jutsus require double the amount of chakra when healing a member of this clan

Rules and Requirements: • Taijutsu + Ninjutsu only. No Genjutsu. Sage jutsus available only after jonin level and awakening of sage Mode.

Clan/Kekkei Genkai Stages:

[Levels of chakra nature: Basic < Beginner < Novice < Expert < Master < Grand Master < Godly]

Stage 1:

At Genin stage these shinobi can only use nature to passively enhance their chakra and physique whether by conscious or unconscious mind. This takes a little training to accomplish and conscious use of nature energy to enhance is faster (Hence the insomnia, helps train all their lives), Also since no one taught this clan shinobi techniques they never had knowledge of this and after reaching Genin level unconscious training speed gets extremely slow, so almost no one reaches Chunin level let alone Jonin and beyond. Genin level has the passive benefit of superior chakra recovery and injury recovery. Gain one chakra nature mastered at expert level, need to train actively to master at max level (Godly level)

Stage 2:

At Chunin unconscious training speed of nature energy gets extremely slow, to the point that one would be an old man by the time they reach the stage training unconsciously. At this stage these shinobi can use nature to passively enhance their chakra, physique, mind and perception. Increase in chances of learning / inventing any Jutsu and increase rate of acquiring skill experience by 20%. Acquire second chakra nature mastered at expert level, need to train actively to reach max level.

Stage 3:

At Jounin these shinobi are able to use the clan's inherent bloodline jutsus in every fight. At this stage these shinobi can use nature to passively enhance their chakra, physique, mind and perception. Increase in chances of learning / inventing any Jutsu and increase rate of acquiring skill experience by 50%. The user can now gain third chakra nature at expert level and also have chance to get various combined chakra natures and integrate it with their bloodlines. Chakra and Physique increases exponentially at this stage nearing Tailed Beast (Bijuu Level)

Stage 4:

Unknown. No prior user reached this stage. Unknown effects and abilities. Rumoured to be the final stage before having small chance to advance to six path level.

Clan/Kekkei Genkai Jutsus:

Jutsu Name: Fist Style: Barrage of Army - Ken sutairu: Gun no hōgeki

Rank: C rank

Element: None

Classification: Chakra Enhanced Physical

Description: Physical Fist barrages, doubling the fist strikes after each strike. (1 < 2 < 4 < 8 < 16 < 32 < 64 < 128 < 256....)

Requirements: Genin Stage Bloodline Activation

Range: 0 - 2 Meters

Damage: 5 HP/ Strike (Damage increase by 1 Point per Skill/Jutsu Level)

Cost: 1 CP/ Strike

Jutsu Name: Sword Style: Particle Bisect - Ken no sutairu: Pātikurubaisekuto

Rank: C rank

Element: None

Classification: Chakra based Kenjutsu

Description: Enhance Sword strikes for maximum damage possible according to purity of Chakra and Amount supplied

Requirements: Genin Stage Bloodline Activation

Range: 0 - 2 Meters

Damage: 5 HP/ Strike (Damage increase by 1 Point per Skill/Jutsu Level + 1 per CP supplied)

Cost: 1 CP (Max input: 1 CP)/ Strike (Chakra maximum input possible increase by 1 point per skill level)

Jutsu Name: Sword Style: Molecule Shift - Sōdosutairu: Bunshi shifuto

Rank: C rank

Element: None

Classification: Chakra based Kenjutsu

Description: Enhance Sword Aura for maximum ranged damage possible according to purity of Chakra and Amount supplied

Requirements: Genin Stage Bloodline Activation

Range: 0 - 10 Meters (Range increase by 0.5 meters per Skill/Jutsu Level)

Damage: 5 HP/ Strike (Damage increase by 1 Point per Skill/Jutsu Level + 1 per CP supplied)

Cost: 1 CP (Max input: 1 CP)/ Strike (Chakra maximum input possible increase by 1 point per skill level)

Jutsu Name: Palm Style: Eight Palms of Sealing - Pāmusutairu: Yattsu no tenohira

Rank: C rank

Element: None

Classification: Chakra based Taijutsu

Description: Enhance Palm Strikes. Each strike Damages internal organs through Shockwaves that disrupt chakra inside body

Requirements: Genin Stage Bloodline Activation

Range: 0 - 2 Meters

Damage: 5 HP/ Strike (Damage increase by 1 Point per Skill/Jutsu Level + 2 per strike, Eight strike maximum- can't be interrupted)

Cost: 3 CP/ Strike

Jutsu Name: Dragon Style: Elemental Roar

Rank: B rank

Element: All

Classification: Chakra based Ninjutsu

Description: Ninjutsu based on the roar of the mythical beast. Extremely versatile Jutsu, Changes the effect based on the chakra Applied. Can even activate with combined chakra nature once past Skill/Jutsu level 50.

Requirements: Chunin Stage Bloodline Activation

Range: 0 - 15 Meters (Range increase by 0.5 meters per Skill/Jutsu Level)

Damage: 50 HP/ Activation (Damage increase by 10 Point per Skill/Jutsu Level)

Cost: 25 CP/ Activation

Jutsu Name: Art of Summoning: The Twelve Celestial Beasts - Shōkan-jutsu: Jūniten no kemono

Rank: A rank

Element: All

Classification: Ninjutsu

Description: Can make contract with 3 Intelligent summon beasts at every stage of total 4 stages. First stage when learning Jutsu,

Second stage at Jutsu level 25, Third stage at Jutsu level 50, Fourth stage at Jutsu level 75, Final stage at level 100: Summon all contracted beasts simultaneously

Requirements: Jonin Stage Bloodline Activation

Range: Summon within 0 - 15 Meters (Range increase by 0.5 meters per Skill/Jutsu Level)

Damage: Depends on the beast

Cost: 75 CP/ Beast Summoned

Jutsu Name: Supreme Eye: Reflection of the World - Saikō no me: Sekai no han'ei

Rank: S rank

Element: All

Classification: Ninjutsu/Bloodline Art

Description: Capture the activation seals of each Jutsu in the eyes and storing in memory. Analysed over time and enable

Seal less activation from memory when finally analysed then learned.

Requirements: Jonin Stage Bloodline Activation

Range: 0 - 150 Meters (Range increase by 0.5 meters per Skill/Jutsu Level)

Damage: None

Cost: 15 CP/ Second (Continuous Deduction while activated) (CP Cost -1 / 10 Jutsu level: level 0 - 15 cp > level 10 - 14 cp

> Level 20 - 13 cp > level 30 - 12 cp > level 40 - 11 cp > level 50 - 10

> level 60 - 9 cp > level 70 - 8 cp > level 80 - 7 cp > level 90 - 6 cp > level 100 - 5 cp)

Jutsu Name: Nature arts: Perfect Healing - Shizen geijutsu: Kanpekina iyashi

Rank: SS rank

Element: All

Classification: Ninjutsu/Bloodline Art

Description: Can heal any injury as long as the target is alive with even one breath left in body. Depends on chakra used and Jutsu level

Requirements: Stage 4 Bloodline Activation

Range: 0 - 50 Meters (Range increase by 1 meters per 5 Skill/Jutsu Level)

Damage: None

Cost: Depends on no. of targets and Level of Damage and Jutsu level

Jutsu Name: Soul Arts: Devourer of Spirits - Tamashī no geijutsu: Seirei no don'yoku

Rank: SS rank

Element: All

Classification: Ninjutsu/Bloodline Art

Description: Devour souls of targets killed and Strengthen Soul and Spiritual Strength of user

Requirements: Stage 4 Bloodline Activation

Range: Depends on the Ninjutsu used to kill

Damage: None

Cost: Permanent activation with nature energy contained in user

Jutsu Name: Mage arts: Gravity Style - Majutsu geijutsu: Jūryoku sutairu

Rank: SSS rank

Element: All

Classification: Ninjutsu/Bloodline Art

Description: Pure energy created and used to manipulate gravity. Special energy used even effects spiritual life forms.

Requirements: Stage 4 Bloodline Activation

Range: Depends on amount of special pure energy infused into the Jutsu

Damage: Depends on amount of special pure energy infused into the Jutsu

Cost: Semi-Permanent activation with nature energy contained in user transformed into special pure energy


Jun had had only one thought in his mind, 'I struck gold!'