BSNW CH 014 First Day at Pre Academy School

Two weeks later

Jun's was getting finishing touches on the special bandages that were wrapped around his lower arm and hands by Saoyo-san. These bandages were made with a combination of Sealing Arts and Healing Arts. Jun had gained little bit of the basic information of the Sealing arts, practicing these past few weeks, but he still couldn't make out most of the seals and combinations. 'Must be a high level one' Jun thought as Saoyo stood up.

"Alright then Jun kun, These special bandages will help you heal faster and also seal your Ninjutsu. You can still do Taijutsu, but in moderation. Your rest of the body has more or less healed so ninja activities should be too much of problem seeing you can display 20% of your previous prowess. But don't strain yourself excessively." Saoyo cautioned him.

"I got it Saoyo-San I don't think I will face any problem that will make me strain more than that anyway." Jun replied just as four people entered his room, Two Adults and Two Kids. One of the kids bounded over to hug him, but realized midway that he was injured so she stopped.

"Still hurts Jun Kun?" Ino asked him, her eyes getting slightly watery seeing his bandaged hands.

"No, I am fine. Oh ya, Shikaku san, did you get my clothes?"

"Yes, here you go." Shikaku said as he threw a light grey loose fitting t-shirt and a pair of black colored slacks to him. Jun excused himself, went to the washroom and changed into the clothes and brushed back his newly grown hair. Yoshino san had forbidden him from cutting his soft hair ever again so he had to let it grow, but he did admit it looked good with his eyes.

After he came back, Shikaku, Inoichi, Shikamaru and Ino along with Jun, left for the welcoming ceremony of the Pre-Academy school since it was the first day.


"As you know, our village was made by the hard work of many great people. These people did great feats that made them famous to each and every person of their time. But all of them had one thing in common, The Will of Fire, the belief that this village was their home, their family. They have passed on their hopes and dreams to you. You children are the future of the village....." the Third Hokage gave his welcome speech at the beginning of the session, Boring most of the kids , and making the rest fidget and look around. Jun was in the latter category as he looked around to see if he knew the people that would later be in his batch. He saw Choji and Shikamaru a little distance away from Ino and him, with Shikaku , Inoichi and Choza standing behind them all talking amongst themselves and watching over Shikamaru, Choji, Ino and him. Choji seemed to be complaining to Shikamaru about lack of chips or something. In some distance to his left he could see Kiba along with his mother, and his puppy that was on top of his head. The Aburame family was also there near them, with little Shino playing with what looked like a lady bug but in bluish green color. In front of him he could see prominent VIP's like Hyuga and Uchiha also some of the influential civilian families. He saw Sasuke standing with his Brother Itachi, talking to him with an excited and envious expression.

'Sasuke and Itachi, as far as I remember Itachi was supposed to be a genius. Very well, I will mingle with Sasuke, hopefully his desire to be as good as his brother will make him a good training partner, my ability should be tad bit better than his at my present condition.' Jun thought

Along with Sasuke and Itachi, he saw Hinata and her cousin Neji standing with Hiashi Hyuga. Hinata had her head bowed down, probably because of fear of her father. 'Neji should already be in an older class than us, he probably came because Hiashi wanted to remind him to protect her. Clan politics are nasty.'

Suddenly they heard a commotion outside the hall. A moment later, a Shinobi in a brown haired pony tail, brought a boy in orange jumpsuit, greenish shorts and black inner vest by the scruff of his neck.

"Oh, not again!" Everyone who had sharp ears heard the Hokage mutter, which meant pretty much every shinobi in the room. "What did he do this time Iruka?"

The man with ponytail, Iruka, deposited the boy with the jarring fashion down on the ground before turning to the Third. "Mischief like usual Hokage sama. Painted on the Hokage Stone Faces that, and I quote him, 'Today marks the rise of the greatest Hokage ever born in Konoha' and a smiling emoji with a 'V' sign." Iruka sighed after narrating.

The Third held his forehead in his hand for a few moments before turning to the boy, "Naruto, go and stand with the others, I will talk to you after this."

"Sure old man." Saying this, Naruto jumped down from the stage before noticing a girl with pink hair among the VIP's and bounded over to stand along with her and the woman who seemed to be her mother, although the older woman had reddish hair. Jun was confused seeing that pink haired girl, was that a bloodline. He had never heard of it being common one, so was it a unique one like himself? But seriously, Pink hair, what kind of power would justify that kind of hair color. A minute later Jun got his answer. Naruto was trying to talk to her, but after giving him a name and hello for formality, that girl's entire time was spent staring at Sasuke, with her eyes that seemed to suddenly turn into stars. 'That's her super power then' Jun thought shaking his head 'Power of a fan girl'. He could see that Naruto was also staring at Sasuke now, but in envy. His attention turned back to stage as Hokage finished his speech and introduced Iruka,

"This is Iruka-Sensei, he will be in charge of your batch until you graduate from academy. For today you will all enroll and do some tests assigned by your teacher to measure your abilities, after that you all will be free to do as you like until leave. All the parents and guardians can go now and let the class continue, also the older siblings may also go to their class" Hokage said looking at a few older students pointedly to let them know, for e.g. Neji and Itachi.

After a while Iruka assembled them all in a classroom, and roll called them and took in their details. Jun let it all flash by without paying attention until it was his turn.

"Jun Kigen, 3 year old, I like meditating in forest or garden, no dislikes" Jun introduced himself briefly.

"Ah yes, I know about your circumstance" Iruka said, eyeing his bandages "I will take care not to stress those."

"No need for that Sensei, they are not that weak, I can still use them enough to qualify as a normal student of the class" Said Jun while taking a chalk and swiftly writing his name on the board, to demonstrate his hand was fine, "As long it's not molding chakra, I can do pretty much everything else."

Iruka was flabbergasted for a moment, this was a student beyond definition of genius and he had been slighting him. God only knew his expression if he had known that Jun could easily defeat a Chunin before his injuries, and had even defeated a jonin with a suicidal attack "Very well. Take your seat Jun Kun."