BSNW CH 060 Rin and the Swordsman

Itachi, Kakashi and Yugao opened their eyes after a while, and found themselves lying on the banks of a river meandering through a vast plain dotted densely with trees. While they looked around in confusion, they heard the sounds of fighting and disturbance among the trees. Suddenly , a girl was thrown out of the trees, apparently because of a kick. Kakashi was rushing forward to check but stopped after a few steps. The girl slowly got up unsteadily, blood flowing down on one arm due to a large cut , and bruises marked her face along with two purple bands on her cheek.

"Rin?" Kakashi called out in a trembling voice.

The girl stiffened first , then looked up hesitatingly searching for the caller . On seeing Kakashi, her eyes widened and she whispered "Kakashi?"

Rin looked at Kakashi before hesitatingly walking step by step towards him . Kakashi stood at his place stiffly, with his shoulders giving a slight tremble now and then. As Rin came near him , he kneeled before her to bring him to her height.

"Rin, I am so sorry.." Kakashi barely whispered out.

"Its OK .. Its OK .." Rin whispered softly as she gently hugged Kakashi. Just as Kakashi raised his arms to hug her, a Kunai slammed into his gut. With a vicious twist of the Kunai Kakashi spewed out blood and was then kicked away by a slim leg enhanced with chakra.

"..Rin..?" Kakashi called out in shock as Itachi and Yugao rushed forward to help him get up by supporting on each side.

"Tsk .. Tsk.. Kakashi. Same old arrogant Kakashi, believing the whole exists for you to just appear and get its gifts. Same negligence that let Obito die, same negligence that led me to be captured and become a accursed Jinchuuriki and a weapon to be used against my own village and friends. You shame his Sharingan Kakashi, You shame Obito's gift. You are not worthy 'Copy Ninja'. You were , are and always will be a traitor and betrayer of those that trust you."

Each word of Rin's elicited a greater response from Kakashi than her Kunai had. As he closed his eye in guilt Eight people in ANBU masks appeared surrounding them, one of whom had a huge broad-sword , as tall as a full grown man and shaped like a butcher's knife. As the man removed the sword from his back , it was seen that it had two cut outs from the blade, one complete circular one near the top of the blade, and a semicircular one at the blade edge near hilt.

'One of the seven Ninja swordsman ? What is he … no .. Rin died by my hand… This is all --' Kakashi finally had woken up from his stupor " Genjutsu. An incredible one, but this is all a Genjutsu from our own memories. They are somehow making us face those we dread to meet!"

Yugao and Itachi were completely stunned, especially Itachi. He had his Sharingan activated but he could not sense what was happening at all. Despite Sharingan's reputation to see through all Genjutsu , It had failed now.

"Genjutsu are not , their threat is real . We have to fight !" Yugao said while releasing her Tanto from its sheath. Kakashi released his Sharingan and started issuing orders for formation.

"Leave the Swordsman of the Mist to me. You guys have to focus on the other ANBU. And most important of all, don't engage with Rin, she doesn't seem as simple as she looks, some thing is different about her." Kakashi said

"Well duh! She stabbed you ." Yugao said as she engaged the ANBU along with Itachi, while Kakashi and the Swordsman simultaneously moved away from the rest and clashed some distance away . As Kakashi and the Swordsman exchanged a few moves, he suddenly backed off and hoarse voice sounded from under the bandages that covered his mouth and neck .

"Hidden Mist Jutsu" Swordsman called out and dense white mist filled the surroundings.

"Be careful, this is their signature move . They can move freely in the mist while we can not , keep track of your surroundings. " Kakashi said as he searched for the swordsman. Suddenly all kinds of hidden weapons were barraged onto the three of them. They tried to deflect as many as possible, dodged when not able to deflect.

"Silent Killing!" Another hoarse whisper echoed as senbons flew towards them accurately targeting all their vital spots. Kakashi and the other two had to use Substitution to dodge and were separated far away from each other due to the mist.

"Enough of this, Chidori !!" Kakashi's shout was followed by a harsh cacophony of birds, and he flashed of while dropping bodies of two ANBU in the next second.

"You like to play with lightning huh ? How about this, Giant Vortex Jutsu!!" the Swordsman said as an enormous wave burst out in his surrounding. His shout was followed by four others and the whole place became a large lake, while dispersing the mist.

"You guys, back off ! I need space to work here!" Said the Swordsman and the ANBU disappeared leaving him and Rin to face off against the Kakashi trio. Rin dashed off against Itachi and Yugao while the Swordsman threw his sword at an incredible speed targeting Kakashi. Kakashi barely dodged the whirlwind of the sword, only to face a kick to the face by the Swordsman that appeared in front of him. When Kakashi tried to generate another Chidori, the Swordsman ripped of the bandages covering his mouth, revealing his red striped lower face along with a cross shaped scar on his cheek and let out his own ninjutsu. Kakashi recognized the man as Juzo Biwa , a missing nin of the Hidden Mist and one of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist, but the realization would not help him currently to face of against the man since it was the first time Kakashi faced this guy.

"Water Release : Water Bullets!" He shot multiple large bullets out of his mouth at Kakashi. Kakashi abandoned Chidori and focused on dodging the bullets. However the sword that was hurtled towards him previously, came slashing at his back . Kakashi barely blocked it with a Kunai at the last moment, the impact still blew him off. The Swordsman apparently had a water clone attack Kakashi using the Sword.

"That is enough . This is my domain from Now!!" ???