BSNW CH 073 Fighting the Spirit Beast Chimera

Explosions echoed all around the cavern as Jun's team engaged in combat against the Giant catfish like Spirit Beast fused with the crazed looking man. Their fight was made even more difficult by the fact that Kakashi, Hinoki and Kashikoi were being controlled by the beast to fight against them.

It was taking advantage of the fact that they only wanted to capture the three companion of theirs, who were trapped in a special form of Genjutsu of the Spirit Beast. It made them do suicide attacks whenever they would try to direct their attacks towards it, as it was cautious after the loss it suffered a little while ago.

(A Few Minutes Ago)

"You won't rampage while I am here," Jun said firmly as he launched the Magatama towards the spirit beast and the Giant chakra ball towards the unknown guy, while the others got ready to counter the tentacles of purple chakra that came barreling towards them. With explosive sounds of the collision, the final battle for the Spirit Beast began.

"Haha, Your measly attacks won't make any difference to it" the Unknown guy half-fused into the Spirit beast laughed as he destroyed the Spiraling ball with bladed disc, through a large and crude blast of raw chakra "It is made to be the Ultimate Chakra beast to combat other Tailed Beasts when they rampage."

"It is highly resistant to Chakra based attacks and has incredible strength and defense for dealing with physical attacks. It even has dominion over Soul-based Genjutsu, making most Genjutsu braking techniques obsolete." He boasted in a deranged manner "How are you going to kill something that was made to be Unkillable?"

"We will see exactly how 'Unkillable' it is," Jun threw two more Chakra Magatama, glowing in poisonous looking light with Fuinjutsu runes on them, at the two large fins on either side of the Spirit Beast's body. They burst with two enormous bangs upon hitting their target, amidst the laughter of the crazed man.

With the Magatama that had impacted and burst on its head earlier, these two impacts now suddenly formed a triangular formation of runes that rapidly spread throughout the beast's body. The more they spread, they brighter their glow became, until they glowed with the same light as the runes on Itachi and others who accompanied Jun.

"Those runes look familiar…. Hold on, how can you use the same Soul Rune Fuinjutsu as the Spirit Beast? They were made specifically for it and can be only activated with its chakra. No one else should be able to activate them. Unless…?" he realized something as he suddenly stared at Jun with hatred "You are the Vessel ?!"

Jun smirked as Itachi and Nazuna sent various strong Ninjutsus at the Spirit Beast, who got hurt from them this time. Chino created a giant 8 headed snake made out of all the red iron water she had, mixed with a decent amount of her own blood to give her better control and power. She then sent the giant snake to clash against the Spirit Beast and keep it from attacking the others.

Yakumo took advantage of Chino's actions to temporarily drag Spirit Beast into a 'Real Illusion' and give it a few deep wounds. Jun attacked the Man fused with the Spirit Beast while others kept the Spirit Beast busy.

He had seen him destroying the Spiralling Destructive Disks, so Jun rapidly bombarded him with Chakra Repulsion Shock-wave Jutsu to keep him disoriented, while he attacked in close combat with Fierce Bladed Claw Dragon Palms infused with various chakra natures. The man glowered at Jun while his eyes suddenly glowed with a sickly purple light.

Feeling a sense of crisis suddenly, Jun dodged with Spatial Flicker Light Steps, emerging at the Spirit beast's tail. The area he was in previously was nearly gouged out with an enormous beam of chakra, eliciting a ear-piercing roar from the Spirit Beast.

When he looked for the origin of the beam, he saw Kashikoi decked in a Chakra Construct Armor, her palms gathering chakra from the air itself. Seeing that suddenly made Jun realize why he could feel the attack long before it hit.

The attack was made from volatile pure Nature Energy, also proven by the fact how easily it had gouged the Spirit Beast. Even if Jun had made it weaker with his seals, Only Nature Energy could hurt the Spirit Beast this badly.

However, his thought factory had to be paused midway as two addition attacks came his way, Chirping Raikiri from Kakashi and Earthen Fuinjutsu covered gauntlets of Hinoki.

(Present Time)

Jun dodged again and again as Hinoki, Kakashi and Kashikoi chained their attacks to stop Jun from having even a moment to breathe properly. His constant use of Spatial Flicker Light Steps was showing in his chakra reserves, as they drained rapidly at the constantly use of this Jutsu.

Losing his Patience, Jun activated Seitengan and information about each action of his three attackers came to his mind. Detailed analysis of their attacks emerged in his mind while he saw them come towards him. He dodged Hinoki's gauntlet first, 'Never mess with Unknown Fuinjutsu', which was Hinoki's first lesson to him.

He then repelled Kashikoi away with multiple simultaneous activation of Chakra Repulsion Shock-wave through his Seitengan. Finally, he defended against Kakashi's Raikiri with an accurately timed activation of Rashomon Gates, which even fractured Kakashi's right arm while repelling Raikiri.

Jun immediately applied a complete Chakra Negation Seal with one hand and a Spirit Cleansing Seal with the other on Kakashi, disabling his Sharingan and removing influence of the Spirit simultaneously. As Kakashi fainted, Jun sliced his own hand open without wasting even a moment, and with his blood and chakra as a Sacrifice, created a True Blood Shadow Clone which will have constant link to Jun's own mind.

The True Blood Shadow Clone immediately picked Kakashi up and disappeared with a Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Jun then trapped Kashikoi in a formation of Rashomon gates, before attacking Hinoki with Shadow Shuriken Jutsu, with each of the Shuriken having a Spirit Cleansing seal on it.

Hinoki managed to deflect almost all of them, but one managed to slip in between his gauntlets and struck him on his chest. Immediately as he got free from the control of the Beast, Hinoki applied a blood red Fuinjutsu on his chest, the Living Sacrifice Style Fuinjutsu.

"I won't be controlled by the beast with the help of this seal" Hinoki explained as he joined Jun in attacking Kashikoi, who became berserk under the Spirit Beast's influence and started randomly firing her Chakra Blasts.

"Master, if you keep using that you will die, even if you are a Uzumaki !!" Jun said worriedly.

"Don't worry about me. Relics like me belong in the dust with others of my time. The new age is for you youngsters and your descendants. The age of peace is coming Jun, and you can be a beacon for it."

"However, don't trust the leaf, or any of the Great Hidden Villages" Hinoki said, his eyes suddenly became sharp "They are the ones that leaked the plan. I know this because I recognized the ones who have been creating problems for us. They are the Ryudoin Triplets, a highly trained group of brothers. They used to work under the Konoha Elders, and only the Elders or the Hokage can command them."

"What does that have to do with not trusting Konoha?" Jun asked with a surprised expression

"Use you head Jun," Hinoki reprimanded "How did they get the location of the mirrors even before you told anyone or even left on the journey? It was because they must have got the location from one of the four who can command them. The Konoha top brass is not to be trusted now, you will have to leave Konoha."

"How do I do that?" Jun asked with determination. This was no longer just a Spirit Beast subjugation, this had become his battle for survival.

"I have a plan" Hinoki said and he whispered instructions into Jun's ears.

Jun's eyes teared up on hearing the plan "But then … master you .."

"Be brave Jun" Hinoki admonished him "Who will take care of Nazuna if you are going to break like this? From now on you are the Last Kigen. Now, are you ready? This is going to have to be fast and precise."

As Jun nodded to Hinoki, they both separated and ran off into two directions. Hinoki ran to Kashikoi while Jun ran to Yakumo. Yakumo was pale and trembling as she had been forced to us her Kekkei Genkai multiple times in quick succession and it as draining on her chakra reserves.

Seeing Jun come towards her, her eyes brightened. "Jun, you are right on time. Itachi can't protect Nazuna for much longer, he already has a deep wound one both of his arms. He is using his sword with his mouth now. Chino's reserves have already dried up and she fainted. Nazuna is bombarding the beast with attacks but she barely has enough for a few more minutes."

"I know, but right now I need you for something else. We have a plan to finish this fight, my master and I. but, after that I will have to leave Konoha for a few years. Will you help me and come with me?"

"Of course Jun," Yakumo said with a smile while cupping Jun's cheek "You are my first friend and the only one who has tried to help me instead of trying to use me as a weapon. Rather than my wretched clan, I would happily dedicate my life to whatever cause you have."

Jun smiled at the innocent nature of Yakumo "Alright then, here is the plan". Jun carefully explained his plan to her and she nodded seriously after comprehending it. With his signal, she ran to Itachi and Nazuna and moved away with them to the small cave where Chino was resting. Jun in the meantime engaged the beast with various basic Elemental Jutsu, empowered by nature energy, to damage the beast faster.

After he distracted the beast for a while, suddenly, two huge chakra beams hit the beast at its side. Jun looked up to see a pale Kashikoi, covered in glowing Blood colored runes, firing of constant blasts towards the beast. At the same time Hinoki suddenly appeared in front of the crazed man on top of the beast.

"Snake → Boar → Ram → Rabbit → Dog → Rat → Bird → Horse → Snake → Clap Hands. I summon you Reaper God, Take away this cursed soul in front of me. I offer a soul of my own as a price." Hinoki said as red colored aura surrounded him with cracks running all over his body. Hinoki had used a forbidden art he had stolen from the leaf, the Eight Gates Technique, to temporarily boost his fading chakra reserves to summon the Reaper god.

A huge terrifying specter appeared behind Hinoki, visible to only him, the crazed man, and the Spirit Beast, as it was connected to the crazed man Hinoki activated the technique for. The Specter of the Reaper God thrust its hand out and caught the soul of the man, fused with that of the Spirit Beast, out of his body and cut it with his Spectral Blade. The man's crazed shouting ceased abruptly, as if someone had switched his body off.

The Spirit Beast's body showed an intense reaction to this. It started cracking up with glowing chakra emerging from the cracks. It seemed its soul also had been damaged from the abrupt breaking of the fusion process with the crazed man.

It was at this point that Jun emerged on the Spirit Beast's back "Living Seal: Chakravyuha - Activate!!". Large amount of runes appeared from within Jun's body, forming an enormous pattern in midair, like a projection of the most complex labyrinth in the world. The glowing chakra from the beast was absorbed into the runic labyrinth pattern. The more it absorbed, the more hollowed and dried the Spirit Beast became.

Seeing as the Spirit Beast was about to be completely absorbed, Hinoki formed a ball of chakra encased in a large amount of runes. He sent them along with the Spirit Beast's chakra into the Chakravyuha seal.

"What was that master?" Jun asked surprised.

"A last present from me to help you" Hinoki said with a smile. He then turned to the Reaper and nodded. The Reaper thrust a hand into Hinoki's back, making him spout out copious amounts of blood, and dragged his soul out. Affixing his soul on a cross the hung on the Specter's neck, the Reaper God then slit its throat and devoured it.

Immediately after that, Hinoki's body fell down dead, while crumbling to coal like dust, and Reaper God disappeared. Jun rapidly absorbed the rest of the chakra from the Spirit Beast and the beast's dried up body husk fell apart into powder chakra fragments that soon disappeared.