A Perfect Cold Weapon (3)

It seemed that Gu Yusheng didn't like Qin Yang's nagging, so he just responded to him indifferently with an "okay." He hid behind the curtains and held the gun at the window.

"Captain Gu, are you sure you can do it? I know you were absolutely the best sniper, never missed a target while you were in the military. I know you were able to handle everything when you were on a mission, but that was two years ago. You haven't fired a gun in two years. Are you sure you can do it?"

Gu Yusheng didn't respond to Qin Yang. He held the gun out and moved it a bit to point at the target. He looked like he was estimating something and stopped moving after about a few seconds. He said casually to Qin Yang, "I'll give it a try."

"Give it a try?" These words enraged Qin Yang. He said, "Captain Gu, this is not a game. You need to make me feel good about this decision. Your shot will become my shot. If—"