A Perfect Cold Weapon (7)

Qin Zhi'ai saw Gu Yusheng when she walked in.

She was worried he would find out she had followed him. She was also afraid of him thinking that she was bothering him again and getting mad at her. She immediately stopped the waitress who was leading her to a table near Gu Yusheng's and asked for a table in the corner away from him.

Qin Zhi'ai was still on her period. She didn't want to drink. She hadn't had dinner yet, so she looked at the menu and ordered an appetizer. She looked at the beverages for a while and ordered a cocktail with barely any alcohol in it.

When Qin Zhi'ai passed the menu back to the waitress, she saw another waitress walking to Gu Yusheng's table with a tray of drinks.

When the waitress carefully put the drinks on the table, she talked politely to Gu Yusheng with her head tilted.

Gu Yusheng's eyes were looking slightly down. He bit the cigarette between his teeth but didn't respond to the waitress.