A Very Important Person (7)

The cell phone and landline ringing at the same time sounded very loud and busy.

Lu Bancheng hadn't yet walked to the balcony with his cell phone in his hand. He apologized on the phone to Liang Doukou, "I'm sorry. I need to answer a call right now."

He walked back to answer the landline and raised the phone to his ear. It was unknown what the person on the other end said, but Lu Bancheng suddenly became very serious. "What? The official website was hacked?"

"Bullsh*t! Of course, I know the new product will be released at eight tonight. I need to see what happened to the website right now!" Lu Bancheng hung up the home phone and grabbed the ringing cell phone on the coffee table. He slid across the phone screen to pick up the call and raised it to his ear. "I understand. The IT Director called, and I'm on it right now."