Dare You To Put A Finger on Her (6)

Lame Wang focused on the contract carefully, practically reading every page twice, for he was afraid to fall into a trap among the words.

Gu Yusheng wasn't in hurry at all. He leaned against the chair lazily, showing a sense of indifference. He didn't move except to raise his hand from time to time to take a drag of his cigarette.

After about ten minutes had passed, Lame Wang closed the contract and laughed at Gu Yusheng with satisfaction, "I've heard before that the staff in Mr. Gu's company were all elite. They really are. How could they draft such a logical and well-organized contract in such a short time? How admirable!"

Facing a compliment from Lame Wang, Gu Yusheng showed no reaction with a calm look.