Not His Wife (1)

Gu Yusheng didn't pay much attention and scrolled down the screen instinctively. As he scrolled past the entertainment news on the cell phone screen, he saw the name Liang Doukou out of the corner of his eye.

He paused his fingers on the mouse for a second and scrolled back up to read the entertainment news, which was about Liang Doukou. "The national idol Liang Doukou invites you to her birthday party. CSK Live welcomes you to join us."

Birthday party? Is it Liang Doukou's birthday soon? Gu Yusheng thought to himself.

Gu Yusheng frowned slightly and clicked on that article, where he saw a picture of Liang Doukou. She was beautiful, no doubt, but Gu Yusheng found her eyes looked a little weird. They seemed less sharp and clear than usual.

It could be because of the makeup or how the picture was shot to make it look a little different than real life, he thought to himself as he looked at the picture for a while. He continued to scroll down.