Not His Wife (3)

He sat on the sofa in the foyer of the hotel, a burning cigarette between his fingers as he talked on the phone.

He didn't look too good. It seemed that he had just gotten angry. It might have been that the number he called hadn't gone through. He was so furious that he threw his phone hard on the table. He took two long puffs before he picked the phone back up, pressed on the screen, and raised it back up to his ear.

This time, he looked even angrier than before. When Qin Zhi'ai thought he would throw his phone again, Gu Yusheng looked like he had seen something. He paused and turned around to look at her.

As Qin Zhi'ai was thinking why he was there and whether she should go over to greet him, Gu Yusheng looked down and stubbed his cigarette out in the ashtray. He stood up and walked over to her.

He's not here to see me, is he? Qin Zhi'ai thought to herself.