Not His Wife (6)

The long distance flight had deprived her of good rest. When she woke up, she naturally felt a bit annoyed. Thus, she gave in to her temper while picking up the phone, but when she saw the caller's name on the screen, her face became tense. She immediately answered, "Jiayan? Why are you calling me so suddenly? Did something happen at home?"

Jiayan, whose full name was Qin Jiayan, was Qin Zhi'ai's brother, two years younger than her. Apart from herself, Liang Doukou, and Zhou Jing, he was the only one who knew that she was pretending to be Liang Doukou temporarily.

To avoid being discovered, she could only use her own phone occasionally while she was disguised as Liang Doukou. However, she was worried that something might happen at home, so she had given her brother Liang Doukou's phone number. If anything urgent happened, he would still be able to contact her.