How Could You Ask Me to Slap Her? (8)

Considerately, the man opened the door of the car for Liang Doukou. After seeing her into the car, he stooped toward the driver's seat, talking with her for a while, then they waved at each other and said goodbye.

With the car's twin flashing yellow lights on, Liang Doukou stopped at the side of the road and didn't leave immediately. She didn't start the car until she saw the man enter the school, then she started the car slowly and drove away. 

No longer following Liang Doukou, Gu Yusheng sat in his car and stared at the gate of S University, where Liang Doukou and that man had just left. 

What Jiang Qianqian told me tonight must have been true. I'm so foolish to have trusted her so much that I defended her. 

What I did at the Majestic Clubhouse was a complete joke!