How Could You Ask Me To Slap Her? (10)

After walking for a while, they saw Gu Yusheng and Lu Bancheng sitting at the outdoor café closest to the gates of the amusement park.

Walking next to Qin Zhi'ai, the housekeeper came over immediately and said respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Gu, Mr. Lu."

It seemed that Gu Yusheng hadn't heard the housekeeper. Sitting on the chair leisurely, he held a cigarette that had already burnt out and pressed the butt against the ashtray slowly. 

Putting the coffee in his hand on the table, Lu Bancheng raised his head and smiled at the housekeeper. Then he turned to Qin Zhi'ai and said, "Here comes Xiaokou."

Following Liang Doukou, Qin Zhi'ai called Lu Bancheng "Brother Bancheng." Then she turned around and looked at Gu Yusheng, who was still playing with the cigarette butt. Upon seeing that he hadn't raised his head, she said to him gently, "It's very late now. Why did you ask me to come here?"