Testing From All Angles (2)

She was surrounded by the unique, light aroma of his body, which was mixed with the faint smell of tobacco, pleasant to smell and captivating to her senses.

Her brain suddenly went blank, and her heart stopped beating.

He had her trapped between his body and the coffee table. Without saying a word, he staring at her condescendingly, but didn't make any further moves.

He was the one whom she had loved many years before… How could she stand his silent gaze?

She had intended to say, "What do you want to do?" However, he had then proceeded to put her down on the coffee table. Suddenly, because she was tongue-tied, she couldn't speak even a word, instead staying still with her cheeks slowly blushing. 

His every move had seemed to be deliberate. The second he saw her blush, he lowered his body slightly and pressed his muscular and firm chest toward her body more closely.