Testing From All Angles (5)

Gu Yusheng paused in his writing. He had planned to sign as "Mr. S."

A is a girl. She should know more about girls, Gu Yusheng thought to himself.

After thinking about it, Gu Yusheng quickly wrote in the letter, "A, do you know why a woman wouldn't want to spend a guy's money?"

After signing it "Mr. S," Gu Yusheng slowly folded the letter. He took an envelope out from the drawer and put the letter in it. He wrote down A's address and put a stamp on it before he put it in his file folder. He planned on asking Xiaowang to send it tomorrow after he made it to the company.

The master bedroom was very quiet. Qin Zhi'ai was sleeping soundly on her side, taking up less than half of the bed.

Gu Yusheng carefully flipped the blanket over and laid down next to her. He wasn't sure why he wasn't sleepy yet, but it might have been because he was thinking of the reason Qin Zhi'ai didn't want to spend his money after writing a letter to A.