Have You Been Taking This Medicine? (7)

"You know, I shouldn't have attended some of those social activities. Those women like to wear all kinds of perfumes. Even if I don't get close to them, their smell still transfers to me from the air, and…" Gu Yushenng paused as he thought of Qin Zhi'ai, who had no response when she had smelled the perfume on him. He had asked the secretary to buy more lipsticks and put different lip prints in different colors on his shirt.

Am I looking for trouble for myself? It's easy to explain the perfume smell, but the lipstick prints could be a different story. I can't tell her I kissed myself, can I? It would be so embarrassing to do so, Gu Yusheng thought to himself.

Gu Yusheng had spent a lot of time searching for a reasonable explanation. It had actually happened to him before. He explained to Qin Zhi'ai, "Sometimes some women are very aggressive. They would throw themselves at me. That's why there were some lipstick prints on my shirt."