Little Troublemaker, Let’s Have A Baby (9)

Gu Yusheng didn't say anything. He walked down the stairs in front of Chen's restaurant.

Qin Zhi'ai followed right after him. She had picked a pair of stilettos when she went out today, and there was uneven pavement on the pedestrian street. When she walked, her body swayed left and right because of it, so Gu Yusheng held her. After they had walked past that passage of the street, he still didn't let her arm go. Instead, he moved his hand down to her wrist. He paused for a second before he held her hand.

Qin Zhi'ai's fingertips froze for a second, but she didn't move her hand away from his. Instead, she let him hold her hand in his. After they had walked about two hundred yards, she gathered up her courage and held his hand in hers.

He felt her slight hand movement. He didn't look at her, but held her hand tighter.

There was a famous bubble tea shop halfway down the pedestrian street. It was already eleven thirty, but it was still open with a long line.