Wish A Start Without An End (4)

"Okay," Zhou Jing responded. She put down the script in her hand, got up, and walked away.

After about a minute, she walked back to the sofa with a glass and gently placed the cup in front of little troublemaker.

After playing on her phone for a while, the troublemaker got up and randomly put the phone on the sofa. Then she pointed to a Chanel bag that Zhou Jing was near and said, "Give me that bag."

After Zhou Jing handed the bag to the troublemaker, she unzippered it. Rummaging through it for a while, she took out a white medicine bottle, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured the medicine out.

Zhou Jing stopped in the middle of picking up a script and then turned around to ask her, "Are you sick?"

"No." Liang Doukou shook her head, put the pill in her mouth, picked up a cup, and swallowed it.