If You Deny, I Will Trust You (9)

Qin Zhi'ai laid on the messy bed, exhausted. She heard Gu Yusheng changing his clothes. She was so exhausted that she barely had the strength to breath.

After about ten minutes, Gu Yusheng had changed into a brand new suit, looking sharp. He walked out of the closet with a tie in his hand. He took a look at Qin Zhi'ai on the bed as he put on the tie, then walked to her and bent down to get closer to her. He lifted up her chin and looked at her pale face. He snorted, "Didn't you just want the identity of Mrs. Gu? Sure, no problem. I'll give you what you need if you give me a baby. If you can't do that, you'd better get out of here quickly." Gu Yusheng shot her a cold look. The expression on his face suddenly looked aloof.

Qin Zhi'ai's lashes fluttered slightly, but she didn't even look up at him.

Yes, she didn't want to even look at him anymore.

She didn't want her last memory of him to be with an expression of disgust and dislike on his face.