It Was Not Affection, But Deep Love (2)

Qin Zhi'ai had already drank a cup of coffee, but Gu Yusheng hadn't arrived yet.

She took out her phone and gave Gu Yusheng a call. No one answered.

Qin Zhi'ai frowned, thinking that maybe Gu Yusheng was driving and couldn't answer the call, so she put down her phone and ordered another cup of coffee.

To kill time during the long wait, Qin Zhi'ai randomly took a magazine off the bookshelf in the cafe. Sitting on a sofa in corner, she thumbed through the magazine, feeling very bored.

Qin Zhi'ai had even read the advertisements word for word, but Gu Yusheng still hadn't arrived.

Qin Zhi'ai picked up her phone and took a glance at it to check the time. It was close to seven.

She had been waiting there for more than two hours. Why hadn't he come yet? Was he tied up with business, or...?

Thinking about it, Qin Zhi'ai redialed Gu Yusheng's telephone number. As before, the phone rang until it finally turned into a busy tone, still unanswered.