A Look in Her Eyes, The Love of His Whole Life (7)

I could not continue searching for information about you like I had over the past eight years.

Although I never learned much, it had helped me wait patiently for you to come back into my life.

I never married, but when you did I knew nothing would ever happen between us.

Gu Yusheng, I wish you the best of luck for the rest of your life.

Qin Zhi'ai cried for a long time, and she did not stop until her tears ran dry.

She wiped her cheeks with a tissue from her purse and then took out her cell phone to open the message.

Zhou Jing's text popped up: "You will switch back with Xiaokou, 4:30 p.m., at Room 201 at the Ladies Club."

Qin Zhi'ai texted back, "I know."

"Remember to take all your belongings in Gu Yusheng's house," Zhou Jing replied.

She did not text her back.