Hello, My Name Is Qin Zhi’ai (6)

"He is very important. There are many students in the class, but I think you are the most reliable, so you'll be responsible for this matter. Don't let me down. You know, even our President Chen planned to invite him to dinner in Xiang Hall this evening."

Qin Zhi'ai had not yet fully awoken from her daydream, and when she heard Professor Zhu's words, her brain was blank for a while before she finally replied, "Yes."

After she replied, Professor Zhu continued over the phone, "The lecture is held in the conference hall. I'll send you his contact information later, and remember to go there in advance."

Professor Zhu must have been very busy, because after saying this, he immediately added, "I still have other things to deal with, I'll hang up first."