Mango Juice, Little Troublemaker, Final Destination (3)

Ever since Gu Yusheng had seen her scar last night, Qin Zhi'ai's heart had been unsettled.

She felt slightly more at ease when Gu Yusheng acted normally during the dinner party, as if nothing had happened. 

When Xiaowang had informed her about their flight at 2:00 p.m. the next day as they drove to the hotel after dinner, Gu Yusheng, who had been especially reticent the whole night, said, "We can sleep in."

With that joke, Qin Zhi'ai had finally been able to calm down after having been uptight all night.

When she reached her hotel room, she even thought that perhaps her guilty conscience had made her overly nervous.

During their flight back to Beijing today and the meal earlier, he seemed like how he had always been, so she truly thought that yesterday's incident had blown over.

But when the waiter had brought them two glasses of mango juice, she realized the situation was not resolved as she'd imagined. They were just getting started.