Mango Juice, Little Troublemaker, Final Destination (8)

As the train slowly made its way out of Beijing, Qin Zhi'ai leaned her head against the window. The scene of Gu Yusheng talking to her in the cafe last night flashed through her mind again.

His voice was so charming.

She had almost let her emotions get the better of her. She had been perilously close to telling him everything, but she didn't.

If she hadn't stuck to her plan, she could have easily revealed to him that she had been Liang Doukou's body double.

And if I had told him, I'd ask him why he spent so much time looking for me.

But she dared not to tell him the truth, mainly because she loved him so much. Even though they would never be together, she would always love him. But that was no excuse to ruin a couple's marriage.

I can't accept that after finding little troublemaker he would abandon Liang Doukou for me.