Waiting for a Person Whose Return Date Was Unknown (6)

Liang Doukou looked down without saying anything, hurt by all her grievances.

Old Master Gu's heart softened when he saw her expression. He sighed and said gently, "Xiaokou, you can tell me directly what you want to say. Why are you beating around the bush like this?"

"Grandpa," Liang Doukou said piteously, her eyes getting red. "I'm not exactly sure, which is why I asked you to come here with me today. As you can see, she's not capable of even serving tea. The school she's graduating from is not the best and her grades are no better. But here she is, Yusheng's secretary…"

"All right, all right." Old Master Gu gently comforted her and turned to Xiaowang. "What's her salary?"

Qin Zhi'ai's salary was not low, and Xiaowang dared not to let him know. He quoted only half of the salary she actually made.

There's no evidence here, but it is unusual for a college student who hasn't even graduated yet to be Gu Yusheng's secretary.