The Girl Who Taught Me to Love Was Gone (19)

At the back of the club's premises, there was not a single soul or even a streetlight.

With the light shining out from the club's windows, Qin Zhi'ai could see a black sedan without a license plate parked at the curb.

The man who'd abducted her pressed the syringe against her back to keep her move quickly.

Teetering on cobblestones in her three-inch-heels made walking precarious, and one of her shoes slipped off her foot. Not noticing, the man impatiently kept pushing her forward.

Qin Zhi'ai kept silent about losing her shoe and continued to limp her way forward.

As they stood before the car, the man yanked open the car door and shoved her inside before slamming it shut. Hopping into the passenger seat, he ordered, "Hurry!"

With that, the car sped off.