Accidental Pregnancy (29)


I should have had my period last month, but after the kidnapping and my mother's subsequent accident, I'd completely forgotten about it…

And now almost a month has passed, and I'm not feeling any signs that it's coming any time soon. It should have started by now... 

No wonder I've felt so unwell these past few days. I couldn't put my finger on it—I thought it was just stress from dealing with Liang Doukou—but now that I think about it… instead… 

As these thoughts surfaced in her mind, she could hear her heartbeat drumming in her ears.

It can't be just a coincidence, can it? While we've been physically intimate a few times, there was only one time when I hadn't used protection. Was it actually that one time that made me pregnant? 


On her way home from work, Qin Zhi'ai dropped by the 24/7 pharmacy and bought a few pregnancy test kits.