A, Let’s Meet Up (7)

Xu Wennuan quietly said "okay" before quickly closing her eyes.

She found it difficult to relax, as she was obsessed with the two text messages she had just seen.

Wu Hao quietly sat next to her. Every so often, Xu Wennuan could hear his typing. She didn't know if he was texting someone or not, but she assume he was—with a "Master Lee."

She really wanted to ask Wu Hao about the two messages and if he was even still the guy she used to know.

She didn't dare to ask him that, though. They had been dating for a decade, and he was an integral part of her life. She was afraid to know that he would actually do anything to hurt her.

If possible, Xu Wennuan would rather lie to herself and pretend she had never seen those two messages, but that seemed impossible; as Wu Hao drove her and her parents to her apartment, Wu Hao's phone rang.