So He Was the One Whom She Had Loved for Eight Years (7)

Gu Yusheng did not think too much about the package until he casually glanced at the mailing address and froze for a moment. The next second, he picked it up and immediately opened it. 

When he pulled a letter out and saw "Mr. S" on the envelope, his heart began to race. He'd been waiting for A's letter for the past few days, and now that he had finally received it he became nervous.

He was not sure if A would not be happy that he had stood her up or if she would divulge anything to him about the man she loved.

Gu Yusheng tightly held the letter and took a long, silent breath before he grabbed a blade and cut it open. He pulled the letter out from the envelope and unfolded it with a trembling hand.

He skimmed the beginning part, mostly made up of general greetings, and then he found the important part.

"At the start, it was pure coincidence that I met the man I loved. He had visited my school to give a talk, and I had been assigned to receive him."