Your Happiness Is My Happiness (6)

Before he reached her apartment, he could already see that her room was brightly lit. The warm yellow lighting gave off a comforting vibe.

His heart, which had been palpitating ceaselessly since the moment he had regained consciousness, gradually returned to its normal speed and he slowly calmed down.

Puffing on his cigarette, Gu Yusheng strode casually over to the foot of the building before coming to a stop. Leaning against a lamp post, he stared fixedly at her window but did not head upstairs.

On the first day I joined the army, I had visited her apartment and had leaned against a tree and stared at her window, just like what I'm doing now.

That night, I'd hoped, for whatever reason, that she would walk over and stand by the window. If I could have simply caught a glimpse of her even from afar that night I would have left with no regrets.