Your Happiness Is My Happiness (8)

"I'm ready to start a new life.

"Because another important person has appeared in my life.

"To me, this person is as important as that man whom I have loved for so many years.

"This person will be my everything in the future. 

"All that I have and my entire being, including the remaining years of my life, will all exist for the sake of this person."

Gu Yusheng tightened his grip on the cigarette between his fingers, distorting its shape. An ash fell off the tip, and the wind carried it off into the night sky.

Nighttime in early spring was slightly chilly. Wearing only a thin jacket, his teeth chattered from the cold and yet, as if he didn't feel it, he remained rooted in place like a fool while staring in a trance at the silhouette of two figures standing in the window.

Is this man what she meant by starting a new life?