The Azure Sky Awaits the Preceding Rain, Like How I Wait for You (2)


At 1:00 a.m. on February 27th, 50 hours before Qin Zhi'ai's departure, shocking news rippled through the entire entertainment industry.

By the time Qin Zhi'ai saw the news, it was already noon, and she was ordering rice at a Chinese restaurant that was close to her neighborhood.

The restaurant was crowded so the wait was long. While Qin Zhi'ai fiddled with her phone, she overheard the discussion of two girls sitting at the next table. "Never would I have imagined that our Goddess Kou would be getting married so soon. To think I had always envisioned her being together with my Prince Charming… My hopes are dashed!"

"Tsk, if I were Liang Doukou, I would also choose to marry into a rich family. No matter how many people idolize your Prince Charming, there is no way that his charms can compare to the seduction of the rich and the powerful. Furthermore, the man she's marrying is much more handsome than your Prince Charming…"