Little Troublemaker, I’m in Love with You (6)

"Old Master Gu owes the Liang family two lives. Xiaokou likes Brother Sheng, and Grandpa Liang had visited the Gu family personally to propose for their union. How could the Old Master dare to reject…

"Do you know what Old Master Liang said when he approached Old Master Gu? He said, 'Old mate Gu, I've never asked you for anything in my life. I never even accepted the Gu Company shares that you wanted to give me back then. I only ask for one thing from you. I only have one precious granddaughter and she likes Yusheng…'

"Now that he's said this, what else can Old Master Gu say? Obviously he had to agree…"

Lu Bancheng took a deep breath. "Say, why did I mention this to you all of a sudden?"

"Xiao'ai, just forget I ever said anything about this. Brother Sheng does not appreciate others gossiping about him. It's just that I feel terrible after seeing how Brother Sheng looked when I went to the hospital today…"