Little Troublemaker, I’m in Love with You (11)

Qin Zhi'ai watched Gu Yusheng in the driver's rearview mirror until she couldn't see him anymore. She pressed her mouth against her arm and bit it before she started to cry. 


Once the taxi had disappeared into the traffic, Gu Yusheng fumbled a cigarette out of his pocket and with shaking hands struggled to light it.

A breeze blew at him after he inhaled his first drag, and the smoke he blew out immediately enveloped him, making his eyes suddenly become red.

The cafe behind him was repetitively playing that same song. For the fourth or fifth time he was hearing the lyric, "The best part of my life was when I met you."

Back in high school, Gu Yusheng had been depressed one day and was leaning on a pool table while smoking deep in thought. Wu Hao had walked up with Qin Zhi'ai at his side and introduced them. "Bro Sheng, this is my wife's neighbor, Qin Zhi'ai."