You Are in Love with Me, Aren’t You? (7)

Even if she didn't tell him, he could still conclude what had happened.

Gu Yusheng turned to look around at the dean's office, wanting to address the student dean first. He said to Qin Zhi'ai in a low voice, "I'm sorry I got here late. I'm sorry I'm responsible for you having to go through this."

He said it twice, but she didn't respond either time, while everyone else in the room looked shocked at what he had said.

Gu Yusheng was not surprised by her silence; instead, he felt bad when he saw the sad look on her face. He gently winked at her and put a small smile on his face, saying in a low voice again, "Can you wait for me here? I need to go in there to handle this first." 

Gu Yusheng stood there for a moment looking at Qin Zhi'ai and then turned around to nod at the men who had accompanied him. He headed toward the dean's office door, and they all followed him when he walked into the office.